Bonus Chapter • Pills

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"[Y/N]," Dazai calls, making you turn your head to face him. You hum in response, waiting for him to continue. The two of you were sitting in your room as usual—only this time, there was a king bed instead of a queen. Now, with the two of you being twenty, a king bed was only suitable.

For sleeping. Obviously.

You see him flick his tongue, and you assume that he's only playing with the piercing in his mouth. Before he does anything more, he says, "remember these?" He sticks his tongue out, showing two pills on opposite sides of the piercing. How did he manage to position them properly like that? Let's say that Dazai has gotten some practice.

"Oh, my God," is all that comes out of your mouth, immediately realizing that those aren't just regular pills—obviously. He points at one of them, signalling you to take one from his mouth. Since it's hard to talk properly when you're sticking your tongue out—which somehow, Dazai makes it look very hot—he takes a piece of paper out of his pocket.

Unfolding it, you read—

"If you're not okay with this, it's completely okay. If you're not ready, if you're not in the mood—just tell me, I'll always understand."

God, this man is just perfect. Or maybe the bare minimum is a little too low...but that's not the point right now.

You move closer to him, taking one of the pills with your tongue—it's already filthy and it is only the beginning. He pours the two of you a glass of water. Having the pill rest in your mouth isn't weird, and there isn't any weird flavour to it. After you've both swallowed the pills, Dazai pulls you in for a small kiss. "Losing so soon?" you mock. "I'm only getting my last kiss before this thing starts," he says, getting up from where he was seated. "I think it'll take about thirty minutes to kick in? I'm not too sure."

The timer starts, and time passes by quickly. Fuck, the pills are working, and every single thing your imagination comes up with is wild, like some sort of chaos burning in your mind. The door is locked—if the two of you had gone outside, Dazai wouldn't be able to control himself—

Dazai isn't keeping himself together very well right now, either. And he's cursing at himself because he's hard. "You know, I haven't been this horny since I was a teenager," he says, hand resting on his crotch. "Which was what, only a few years ago?" you reply, chuckling.

"Alright," he says, getting up from the chair, "I'm not losing this, so I'm going to go take a shower."

"Without me?" you ask, mocking him with what he does. He chuckles dryly, "I'm taking a cold shower, don't mind me."

"You know," you start, and it's getting really fun to imitate Dazai. "If you want that to go down, there's much quicker ways to do so." And maybe, Dazai's reaction to that wasn't what you were expecting. A smart comeback? Yeah, sure, he does those all the time. Another laugh right before he goes to the bathroom? Maybe. However...

Instead of any of those reactions. Dazai moans just at the offer, mind already feeling clouded. Were his hormones always like this? Because to him, it feels like it's been ages since he's felt like this.

"Do you wanna watch me hump a pillow instead?" he asks, a smile turning into a smirk as he comes closer again. "My pleasure," you respond, "but would that count as losing?" You lay down onto the bed, elbows planted so that your upper half is higher.

He makes his way onto the bed, putting his hands on opposite sides of you. "I'm not touching you," he whispers, body hovering over yours. "I will say that I suck at these challenges," he says, leaning down but leaving the right amount of space between you two, "but how could I ever resist you? You drive me insane, and I love everything about you."

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