Six • The Basics

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"It's nice to meet you, I'm Oda Sakunosuke."

• • •

You placed your hand in his, gently shaking it, "It's nice to meet you too, and I see that you already know who I am?"

Dazai glares at Oda since he's never told you about Oda anyway, so it seemed a bit weird when you realized that he already knows who you are.

"I've told him about how you've become new partners alongside Chuuya and I."

You let go of the his hand, "Well it's good to know that I won't need to introduce myself."

"Though, one thing Dazai didn't tell me is how you came to the Mafia in the first place?" He raised an eyebrow, looking towards Dazai. "Unless, you're not comfortable sharing."

He's polite.

"No, it's fine," you started, raising your head a little, "I came from an orphanage, Mori happened to be near the river I stopped at and he took me in."

"That sounds like an awful lot like how Mori found Dazai," Oda starts.

Dazai clears his throat, telling him to shut up before he says anything more.

And that only made you more curious. Sure, you've learnt quite a bit about Dazai recently, but there's still more to him that he keeps closed, and that part of him is just so damn interesting.

"Where were you going, Odasaku?" He's trying to avoid the topic, acting like Oda didn't just tell him where he was going last night.

Oda squints a bit, unsure of why he's asking him again, but then he remembers that he's not just with Dazai, and that you're standing right across from them.

"I'm going to meet the children I take care of."

He wasn't supposed to, but he convinced Mori to let him go at least twice a week. Though there was someone else to check on them, Oda would rather go see them himself.

"Oh that's really nice."

"Sorry for making you wait, you should get going now, Odasaku?" Dazai said before going behind him and shoving him forward a bit—not enough for him to fall over, but enough to make him actually move from his position.

"Ah yes, it was nice to finally meet you, [Y/N]."

• • •

"We don't have anything to do today, do we?" You asked, looking at the two of them in hopes of a plan.

"Sadly, but also gladly, no."

Dazai grinned, walking over to you and reaching his hand out, "But since we are free today," he takes a moment to look over at Chuuya. "I'll be teaching you how to use a gun."

Intriguing, to say the least, you were definitely interested in what Dazai had in mind. "But it'll just be the basics, like aiming and stuff," he looks up towards the ceiling. "Maybe even get you something to actually shoot."

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