Forty Eight • Slow Down

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"Be in my office with [Y/N] and Chuuya by ten."

• • •

"Okay," he says, immediately ending the call. He knew that Mori was going to talk about the mission today, so it's not all that surprising. The only thing that's odd is how he asked for you to be there. Didn't Mori say that you wouldn't be on this mission? Dazai's still a little upset about that, but he wants the mission to be over quickly so he could go back to you.

He scrolls through the very little amount of contacts he has and calls Chuuya. Chuuya answers after a few rings, groaning. "What?" He asks, annoyed because he hasn't woken up this early in a while. "Mission discussion with Mori at ten, be ready," Dazai replies. "Fine—" The call ends there.

Once you're out of the bathroom, he quickly goes in. Taking off the bandages as he steps into the warmth of the shower. His hair is damp as he gets out of the shower, taking another towel to dry his hair with—because the other one is wrapped around his hips. Taking out the bandages under the sink, he starts putting them on. He's gotten used to the process, so it really doesn't take him long to put them around parts he needs to cover. By the time he's done, he gets out, eyes landing on you sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Ready?" He asks, raking through his hair with a hand. "Yeah."

Walking over to Chuuya's to drag him out the room is normal—well not really because he's usually the one who drags you and Dazai out the room. But switching it around is always nice, amusing. He's obviously ready to go, but he just doesn't want to. Very similar feelings Dazai has.

You all walk into the office that you've gotten so used to, it's almost boring to get here now. "I'm glad to see you all," Mori says, interrupting everyone's thoughts. Honestly, Mori couldn't care less, he wants money, and occasional company. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't give a shit at all—

"Mission, at a club, a little far away, be there by nine."

Okay, straight forward, as he should normally explain things. Talking can be held for later. "Chuuya, you're going to go by your last name, and Kouyou should be giving you a dress soon," he explains, "Dazai, try not to use your name, make something up if anything. Just pretend you're a couple there to have fun, okay?" Cause that's obviously normal.

The thing that bugs Chuuya is—why does he have to wear a dress? Would it be so bad if he had just dressed how he normally does? Obviously it's an order not a request, but Chuuya's still a little upset about it. What's wrong with them acting like boyfriends instead?

Oh God. Now Chuuya's face starts to tint a little when he processes what he just said in his mind. That's—that's not how he meant it. Just, what's so bad about him pretending to be Dazai's boyfriend rather than dressing up as a woman when Dazai's quite literally dating someone who's well fit for the job.

Of course, his ability.

Maybe, wearing a dress won't be that bad, he thinks. It's not something he's used to, but it gives him an excuse to wear more dramatic eyeliner.

"Is that all? What about [Y/N]?" Dazai asks, because he really doesn't want to leave you alone. "She gets a free day, it won't be safe for her to go," Mori explains. Well, you wouldn't exactly expect a person who ran from an orphanage to be here at all. Safety make sense, but why can't—

It's not going to work anyway. Mori won't listen, he does what he wants. And right now? He's loving all of your reactions to it.

• • •

Time passes quickly, a now normal thing to say and happen. Dazai's starting to get ready, wearing something similar to the outfit he wore on Chuuya's birthday, but there's these gold accents that compliment the jet black fabric. "Wait, I'm going to go to Chuuya's for a second," he announces, fixing his collar as you nod at him.

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