Two • The Wild Geese

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"I ran away from an orphanage."

• • •

The man stared at you, "That orphanage?" He asked, pointing towards the building that was in flames, a building so far that you could hardly even see it. "Y-yes."

"What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm [Y/N], and I'm sixteen years old." You weren't really sure whether telling your name and age to a random man you had just met was a good idea or not, but, there really wasn't a better one.

"Hi, [Y/N], I'm Mori, Mori Ougai. I'm from the Port Mafia," he reached out his hand to help you get up. Your eyes widened, Port Mafia?

"Since you have no place to stay, how about you come and stay with us?" He suggested. You thought about it, did you have any other place to stay? No. Was trusting this man a good idea? Not really, in the end, you didn't have an option.

Only time would tell whether this was a good idea or not.

• • •

You looked around the dark room known as Mori's office, examining all the shelves filled with books. Walking over to the book shelf, you picked one up, 'The Wild Geese by Ōgai Mori.'

"You were a writer?" You questioned the man. Mori chuckled, "A few books I'd say, nothing too important."

"An obstacle which would frighten discreet men is nothing to determined women. They dare what men avoid, and sometimes they achieve an unusual success." You spoke.

"Ah, you've read it," Mori clicked his tongue, obvious surprise in his voice. "Well, the orphanage had some books there, so I would read to kill time whenever I got the chance."

"Ah so you're a smart person, [Y/N]?" He rummaged through the drawers of his desk swiftly picking up something.

He whipped out a gun and pointed it towards you. Too shocked by the action, you immediately threw your hands up before ducking down, "What the hell?"

Mori chuckled darkly, carefully putting the gun back, "Good to know you have good reflexes." His lips curved in a small smile while looking towards you, "Do you happen to have an ability, [Y/N]?"

"What, like supernatural?" You scoffed. "I'll take that as a no, but they're real, just to let you know." You knit your eyebrows together, "And how exactly should I believe that?"

"I am the boss around here so it would be better to listen to me," he started, "Ability, Vita Sexualis," the man before you snapped his fingers, and to your surprise, a young girl appeared. "What the?"

"[Y/N], meet Elise," Mori spoke, trying to maintain his composure and not start yelling 'Elise-chan.'

"So your ability is to create a young girl?" You questioned, a little uncomfortable by the fact that a girl who looked twelve years old just came out of nowhere and was now running around the desk.

"Well, yes. I can control Elise in any way I wish, I can make her float, dance, you name it."

Not giving you a chance to speak, "Do you have any experience in martial arts? Killing preferably?" Mori asked, acting like it's normal to ask a person who just escaped a burning orphanage if they've ever killed anyone.

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