Twenty Two • And Then There Were Three

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"We have a new member."

• • •

And then the person who was behind Mori finally comes out. As if they had been waiting to make a dramatic entrance of some sort, but there isn't some sort of cocky expression on their face either, so it's...confusing.

Short, reddish ginger hair that is much darker than Chuuya's, piercings on both ears, and a bandage across his nose. "Why don't you introduce yourself?" Mori asks the person beside him.

"Tachihara Michizou, nice to meet you all."

The boy looks at all of you, his eyes not even bothering to meet Dazai's. But he focuses more on you and Chuuya...and Chuuya gulps, because Tachihara's pretty. Definitely not as pretty as Chuuya, Dazai, or whoever, but he is. And Chuuya already gets the idea that Tachihara seems like a chill person overall. All he hopes for is that he isn't some smug asshole like Dazai.

"Tachihara won't be working with you three, but since he's the same age as you all, I thought it would be nice for you to meet him," Mori says, a smile tugging at his face. So he's also seventeen, that's nice, but he doesn't seem like the type of person you'd hang out with. "Oh, and," Mori continues, picking up a random thought. "I'll be showing him around."

Which is what Dazai finds weird, but it also calms him. He knows that Mori can tell who can work well with who at first sight, so he obviously has his reasons for not adding Tachihara into your trio. And he hates to admit that he's a little relieved to hear that.

You all nod at Mori, and he opens his mouth again, "That's all I have. Hopefully you'll all see Tachihara around." Weird. Quick and weird. It was only an introduction, Mori hadn't even told us anything about him, nor did Tachihara speak for himself.

So when none of you bring it up while walking in the hallway back to your rooms, it doesn't feel like someone needs to bring it up. Either way, all your mind is stuck on is Tachihara's piercings. Because, piercings can be attractive, and now your brain is just filled with imaginary pictures of Dazai with piercings, and it just suits him so damn well.

But then another thought comes back to you, "Wait, can we all go back to Dazai's room?" Oh God, no. Chuuya wants to run for his life, but his mouth—sadly—comes up with something else, "Yeah, sure."

Upon arriving, you take the key and stick it into the keyhole, opening the door and letting all three of you inside. And when you all sit awkwardly in the silence, Chuuya can't help but break it. "Listen, whatever you have going on is fine." You glance over at Chuuya, meanwhile Dazai's trying so hard not to say something stupid. "We really don't want to make it weird for you," You say, and looking didn't really make sense since you weren't exactly willing to break off things with Dazai just for that reason. "No—it's all good, okay? I just sort of wish I had some warning I guess? I mean, I know I was just at a hospital and things may have happened, but you know."

He doesn't want to admit that there's this weird stabbing feeling in his chest.

"Thank you, Chuuya. And I'm still really, really, sorry about that day," Dazai says, and his voice is so quiet and gentle that Chuuya almost misses it. "How many times do I have to-" Dazai cuts him off, "As many times until I'm satisfied."

Because as much as Dazai tries to forget about it, it's always sitting there in the back of his mind. Now, it's like he has to carry that with him forever. The fact that there were so many ways to stop that from happening, if he hadn't even suggested using Corruption—or if Mori's backup actually helped.

• • •

The day passes as per usual, Chuuya is already back to normal and in his room since he said that he wanted to get some proper sleep after hardly sleeping in the hospital. You couldn't blame him, the bed looked really uncomfortable. He's also back to how he usually acts, so he is relieved that the conversation he had with the two of you was short and straightforward.

"So, are you going to sleep?" Dazai asks you, watching the way you stretch your arms while sitting on the bed. "Hmm, not yet, why?"

"I thought," He turns his head to face you. "We could set some basic rules, I guess? Like how comfortable we are with certain things, but obviously, there's a line to that," He explains. And the line he's referring to isn't too big, but it's obviously a huge step in a relationship—especially since you're both seventeen and sex isn't in the picture.

Mainly because the two of you only got together recently, but Dazai's idea is...nice.

"Sounds good to me," You say, paying attention to what he's saying. "First things first, and obviously—no means no, and stop means stop. No random freaking out, you have to be clear," He starts. "Ah yes, a man that gives consent, very attractive," You say, half joking. He rolls his eyes at the comment, "Women really have their bar that low? Consent is the bare minimum, along with many other things."

"Well, people can be shit," You reply, and it's sad how it's so normal now. How normal it is for many women to be scared to go out alone. "Next," He leans in a bit, "Are you fine with me kissing you?"

"Yes. What—Why wouldn-" He doesn't let you finish your sentence as he quickly closes the gap between you two. And everytime he does it, he feels so good. It feels so good to have someone that he can hold onto and stay with. You kiss him back with no hesitation, and his hands make their way to cup your face, but then he pushes himself back. "Mm," He presses his lips against yours one last time. "I still had to ask—you never know."


"So you're fine if I do it in public?" You nod. "In the morning?" A nod. "Night?" Another nod. "Whenever I want?" Once again, a nod. "In front of Mor-" You cut him off, "Absolutely not, that's creepy. He already has Elise playing dress up with him, I don't want to give him another reason to be weird."

"Okay, I get that," He laughs at himself. "Any other things you want to go over?"

"How about we do them another time? My brain isn't working right now," You say, covering your mouth to yawn. He smiles at you, "Another time then, and you should sleep. If you're tired, you don't have to stay."

You smirk at him, "Hmm remember this?" You whisper quietly before returning to your normal volume, "I'm not, but if you are," You look toward him, "You can kick my ass out anytime." He scoffs at your response, remembering the day you all went to the arcade and he got you an octopus.


"Fine, fine, I'm going," You exclaim dramatically. "Goodnight, Dazai." You get up from the bed to walk to the door, but something stops you. "Wait," He says, holding onto your wrist with a loose grip, you turn around to him and he's already standing again. And then he gives you another quick kiss and lets go of you.

"Goodnight, [Y/N]."

A/N: Yes, yes I know Tachihara's technically three years younger than Chuuya and Dazai, but for the sake of the story, he's the same age as them.

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