Twenty Four • Brightness, Fullness, and Whiskey

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"Yes, I do."

• • •

And Dazai's slightly nervous as he does this, he doesn't know why either. Then that's when you walk into Bar Lupin, the bar Dazai told you to meet him at. You look around, trying to find where he's seated. But, he sees you first, and he waves towards you, smiling brightly.

You walk over to him as he gets up from the barstool—you notice Oda staring at you. "Hey, [Y/N]," he says as he gives you a quick kiss. Publicly, for the first time, and there isn't anything weird about it. Which was one thing Dazai was worried about. And—

Behind you, well, Oda's eyes are widened.

Because he was not expecting that at all.

He walks closer to Oda and you follow him, "Oda," he starts. "I'd like you to meet [Y/N] again." Oda raises his eyebrow, because the two of you have met before. Dazai looks toward you as he says this, "My girlfriend."

Girlfriend. And the way Dazai says it? God, that's new.

You laugh a bit at his words, "It's nice to meet you again, Oda." Oda's eyes are bright as he looks at the two of you, "It's really nice to meet you again too, [Y/N]." He glances over at Dazai before looking back to you, still holding his glass, "I've got so many embarrassing stories of him, you don't even kn—" Dazai cuts him off, "Yeah, you two have met, you don't need to bring me in, thank you."

He motions over for you to sit next to him on the barstools, "I just thought it would be nice. Oda has..." He looks at Oda, smiling softly as he speaks, "Been a very good friend. So I figured it would be nice if you two got along."

Oda chuckles, "That would be nice, yes." Oda looks back to you, "I also wasn't joking about the stories. You should've heard the way he was tal—"

"Shush! How cruel Odasaku, I told you because I trusted you."  Oda rolls his eyes mockingly, "It's still fun to tease you about it." You cut them off, "Oda, I would love to hear the many embarrassing stories you have of Dazai."

"Not you too!" He practically whips his head to you. Oda stares at you, mouthing 'I will, don't worry'. You nod your head at him, amused by their friendship. "Okay, fine, I won't," you say as you take one of his hands into yours. He exhales sharply, "Thank God."

• • •

By the time you and Dazai left the bar, it was already midnight. "My room, remember?" He says when he notices you going back to your own. "How could I even forget? I'm blaming the time for my lack of memory." He grins widely, "You do that. It's totally not the alcohol talking, right?"

Okay, so maybe you're both a little tipsy, it's nothing huge.

He quickly opens the door to his bedroom, one hand on your waist as he does so. He sits down on the bed before you, making little grabby hands, "Come here." And well, Dazai wasn't exactly expecting for you to sit on his lap, nor did he expect for you to wrap your arms around his neck. He raises an eyebrow, looking at the way you smiled at him before putting his mouth on your own.

"W-wait," he pants against your lips. Then he's holding onto you again, guiding you so that you're laying down on the bed and he's on top of you. "Is this okay?" He asks. You nod at him and he scoffs, tracing his finger onto your jaw, "Yes or no."

"Yes," you pull him down yourself. His hands travel up your forearms and he holds onto your wrists, practically pinning you onto the bed. Dazai's head is spinning as he moves his lips against yours, it's intoxicating and he can't get enough of it.

And—something that should be noted—Dazai's a good kisser.

His movements become sloppier, "It's late." You groan quietly, "At least you're actually getting sleep now." He only slept properly when you were with him. Or when Chuuya was with him, but that's besides the point.

He lets go and falls next to you, playing with your hair—

Then he starts laughing.

You turn to face him, "What happened?" He covers his face with one of his hands, "You know," he starts. You start laughing with him because you already know where this is going. "You're the first woman I've had in my bed."

And hopefully the last.

"God," You laugh, punching his arm playfully. "You're just as stupid as you were the first night."

"Yeah? Well you somehow stuck with my stupidity? Also..." His eyes divert to where your hands are. "You should wear my clothes more often."

"I'll steal them all, don't even worry about it. Now, sleep."

"Goodnight." He whispers before kissing your cheek. "Goodnight, Dazai."

• • •

The knocking on the door woke the two of you up. "It's probably Chuuya," Dazai says, yawning into his hand. "Come in." The door opens, and as Dazai said, it's Chuuya. "We've got a mission," Chuuya says, still tired himself. He's not too sure why Mori is sending them out again so early. Especially after the incident, but it's not like they really have an option anyway.


A/N: Okay I'm way too excited for certain chapters—I've only written bits and pieces of the uhm...smut chapter and it's over 1k words?? I'm not even HALFWAY through it. But, I'm more excited about the others aaa. (I just really needed to get this off my chest).

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