Thirty Nine • Tonight

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"Drink up some more, loosen up a little, we're gonna dance, and celebrate a birthday in a few hours."

• • •

Well, it sounds a little weird to say that, but how else were you supposed to phrase it? Let's go idiots, let's get as drunk as we can and completely embarrass ourselves while dancing so we can celebrate Chuuya's birthday!

Actually, yeah. That may have been better.

At least they don't question it when they get up from the booth. You reach both of your hands out, and they both put their hands in yours, following you the rest of the people who can hardly think for themselves. Clubs can be concerning...but in a way that is the fun of it.

Okay, maybe you don't wanna hear the sound of a woman moaning like they've been waiting their whole life for this moment.

Other than that, yeah, it's fine. And right now, all of you are calm, not drunk at all. But, keep in mind that Chuuya is a lightweight so he'll probably get drunk first—good for him, being able to get easily drunk on his birthday? That's totally the spirit.

Maybe you and Dazai just find drunk Chuuya absolutely hilarious. Most of the time, he'd complain about Dazai and how annoying he is, that's what he usually does. Then he'd switch topics over and act like he wasn't just talking about him. Chuuya's old habit while complaining about Dazai has stopped now.

Like you would actually know, he stopped as soon as the three of you started drinking together.

Complaining about Dazai when it was just the two of them was fun and very entertaining for Dazai. All until Dazai could barely remember the fact that Chuuya would randomly start complimenting the brunette while drunk. You know, when he wasn't out to him yet. Which is what Chuuya also finds weird. How did Dazai not pick up on it? He probably thought he was just too drunk or that it was some friendly gesture that meant absolutely nothing.

He totally did. He even shook Chuuya's hand when he had complimented how pretty his eyes were, saying some dumb shit like, "you too, buddy, pal!"

Because when Dazai gets really drunk, he still has many, many, faint memories of the night before. So he does remember the compliments, but he shrugged them off. Which is exactly why he thought that he should've gone with his gut feeling when Chuuya had first told him that he was bi.

He's not willing to out someone. No. Which is why he's giving Chuuya all the time he needs till he tells you, if he wants to. And well, a few years ago, he wasn't going to go up to Chuuya and ask, "do you like me?" Because Dazai himself doesn't feel that way towards Chuuya, so it'd just be an asshole move anyway.

And just to clarify, Chuuya didn't feel anything back then either—

Yeah, yeah Dazai's pretty, he's acknowledged that already. The last thing he wants to do is start fangirling with you about Dazai of all people.

Absolutely not.

"I can't believe we're gonna do this," Chuuya laughs. He's not exactly embarrassed about dancing in public—there's other people with him anyway, so it's not unnatural. Nor is it like he's performing something alone. The people around you are equally as carefree.

Most natural instinct in this situation is to just...let loose, do whatever you want to do. Because neither one of you are putting pressure on the other. And while jumping, dancing, whatever, Chuuya's making sure his hat doesn't fall off his head randomly, and both you and Dazai start laughing at him.

One glass turns into another, then another, and it just keeps going until none of you are thinking properly, and enjoyment is the only thing on your mind. Then there's a hand gripping on yours, familiar. Dazai's the one spinning you around, bringing you close, then far, and it's fun. It's cute how you can see the slight flush of his cheeks when you're close enough to him under the light.

Obviously, he doesn't want Chuuya to feel like some third wheel—so he switches over to him, doing the exact same thing. Neither one of them knows how the weird habit of drunkenly dancing happened, but when it happens again tonight—that rhythm from what felt like ages ago is still there and Chuuya can't help but feel happy about it.

This whole night, it means so much to Chuuya. He's spending time with the people he cares about, with the people he loves to be around.

There's this one song that starts playing, and the nostalgia hits so damn hard. It's almost saddening, but then just the sight of Chuuya and Dazai enjoying themselves makes your heart ache.

And all of a sudden, Dazai's close to your ear again. You can only assume that he's about to tell you something—

But he starts singing the song playing.

And he sounds so fucking good when he sings. His voice, low, a little rough, and slurring through the words, sounds absolutely heavenly. The smile on your face gives him the message that he wasn't wrong with his assumption.

He doesn't stop as one his hands go to your hips, making you face him. His other reaches out to Chuuya, and he can already imagine his face. Because his eyes are shut as he sings into your ear, and he doesn't want to stop, and neither do you.

This might be the first time he's ever done something like this, and he's glad that the first time he's done this is with you of all people. The little rationality in his brain is making sure that he doesn't accidentally whisper "I love you," in your ear.

Today's just...not the day for that yet.

Because so many things might go wrong with that if done today. He refrains himself. Dazai doesn't think that it's bad to say that he feels that way, but he fears that it may be too soon, or that—

Stop. Today's meant to be fun.

Then the song—sadly—ends, and he pulls back looking at both you and Chuuya. He glances down at his phone, checking the time. "Hey," he yells, making both of you get closer to him. He starts counting down, and you automatically join in.







The smile on Chuuya's face is so bright as he playfully punches Dazai in the arm, trying not to laugh because he feels giddy because of it.





As if it's New Year's Eve, you and Dazai yell on top of your lungs, as if the entire club could hear you.

"Happy Birthday, Chuuya!"

A/N: this chapter felt like it took longer than usual only cause I kept rewriting the chapter. honestly, the song that was playing in my head the whole time was "give me everything" lmao.

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