Sixty Two • Days With You

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"I appreciate you two a lot."

• • •

You and Dazai both laugh lightly at that. "We love you too," you say, arms opening up to give him a hug because he does still look a little nervous. He hugs you back loosely, arms draping around you.

And yes, it is still your and Dazai's birthday today, but the three of you always made the night before more special—staying up till twelve just to cut the cake was a normal tradition almost. Technically, you always stayed up late with them anyway for no specific reason—

Birthdays were always special.

Once you sit down next to Dazai again, you all sit in a comfortable silence—nothing awkward, but if it goes on for any longer, it will be. It's all broken when there's the sound of knocking on Chuuya's door. Chuuya almost yells that he'll be there in a second, but then he remembers that the damn rooms are soundproof.

Which obviously, is used to yours and Dazai's advantages...

And that will be saved for another time.

He gets up from the bed, walking over to the door. He already knows who it is, but all of sudden, he's nervous to answer it. It seriously isn't that he likes Tachihara—he's just nervous because he's outed himself and he's still not in his usual thinking process.

The doorknob makes a weird clicking noise as he turns it, and—to no one's surprise—it is Tachihara—beaming brightly when he sees Chuuya. Then his eyes trace around the room, and they don't miss the two people sitting in it. "Did I step in on some secret meeting?" Tachihara jokes.

Tachihara, this isn't the time—

What does he know? "Only teaching my partners what a wise man would do," Dazai starts, getting up and straightening his shirt before reaching his hand down to you, "you know, like an executive would do." Tachihara laughs, he really did just place down his executive card didn't he? You put your hand in his, letting him pull you up and bring you close to him—not so close that it'd be weird in front of Tachihara and Chuuya, but a good little space.

"Man, I still can't believe you became an executive at such a young age," Tachihara says, scratching the back of his neck. Maybe it does make Chuuya smile a bit when he sees Dazai and Tachihara actually talking. "Yeah, Mori makes some insane decisions," Dazai replies, chuckling lightly.

Seriously, don't get him started on how odd Mori is.

Thing is, he's a good leader—to a certain extent—it's just that he's not a good person overall.

Tachihara nods at Dazai, wholeheartedly agreeing with him even if he doesn't know Mori all that well. "Well, we'll be going," Dazai announces. They both slowly nod at the two of you, and right before you leave the room, Tachihara speaks. "And Happy Birthday to you two."

You both say 'thank you' at the same time, and you close the door behind you. Childish bickering bounces off the walls in the hallway, and Dazai already knows who it is. A small girl with blonde hair is running towards Dazai. "Dazai!" She calls, waving from down the hallway. "Happy Birthday!" She says, voice muffled. Dazai smiles, making sure not to actually touch her, "Thank you, Elise."

Mori's following behind her. Which is a question in itself, why does Mori use his ability around the Mafia? Regardless, now there's a little girl smiling brightly at Dazai, trying to hug him—but that wouldn't end up very well because of Dazai's nullification ability, so he tries his best to dodge her, acting like they're playing some sort of game.

"Well, Elise has said it for me then," Mori says, smiling brightly at the two of you. "Let's go, Elise." Which is weirdly quick of Mori—but also, thank god that he left.

Dazai opens the door to his room, letting you go in first. You don't sit-down until he's also inside, the door now closed. He lays on the bed, urging you to come take a seat with him. You end up with your head laying on his chest, and fingers intertwined with his. "What do you want to do today?" He asks, circling his thumb against your own. "Hmm? Anything," you reply. "Well, we can go on a date," he proposes his first idea, "or, we can stay in bed and cuddle all day."

Tough decisions, really.

"What about a mix of both?" You suggest, because time wise, it would be most logical. "We can stay in bed for a little longer, then go out, and then go back to bed." Dazai nods, "It doesn't matter what we do. Spending time with you is enough," he mumbles, eyes zoning out for a small moment.

"Yeah? I love you," you say, tilting your head back enough so that you can kiss him. He bends his neck down a little to make sure that your neck doesn't break as you try to do so— "I love you too," he whispers softly into your ear.

"You know who else I love?" You ask him, and you see him raise an eyebrow before you turn your head to look ahead of you. "Who?" Dazai asks, curious to see what kind of answer you're about to give him. The room grows silent for a moment, as if you're trying to hold onto the moment.

Eventually, you give him an answer—

"Captain Dazoo."

He whines like a child.

"[Y/N]! That's just mean!"

A/N: living for soft Dazai.

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