Sixty Four • ...Remember

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"Yes, we shall."

• • •

Then you're off spending the entire day with Dazai, and honestly, it was great. Greater than expected, actually. Night falls, and after you've both had dinner—and obviously, Dazai had his crab that he loves so much. "Let's go," Dazai says when you're both outside the restaurant. To you—you assume that he means to go back to his room, but Dazai decides to take you somewhere else.

"Where are we going?" You ask him, laughing at how serious he is about this all. He holds onto your hand, and just feeling the rings against your own fingers is amazing itself. With Dazai looking like that? It's hard to ignore how fucking hot, pretty, sexy even—whatever description that's best fitting for him—he is.

Which also comes with other people staring at him. And there isn't much you could do at the moment because you're in public, and waving people off with your middle finger in the air isn't going to be very useful either.

Well, maybe.

"Just wait," he whispers softly. And once you're close to the place Dazai's supposed to be taking you, his hands are on top of your eyes, making sure that you can't see anything. You pout, "That's not fair."

"It totally is, it'll be worth it," he reassures, guiding you through the place. He takes his hands off, and you're met with— "I heard this area was the best place for looking at the stars. I don't know if you're much of a fan of them, but—" You cut him off, still looking up at the night sky as you say, "no, it's amazing, Dazai."

He smiles at that, "Take a seat." He points down to the almost blanket looking fabric on the floor. It might not be the fanciest thing ever, but after a whole fancy dinner, this may have been what you needed. You both sit down, taking a moment to just look at each other. "I don't know if you're a fan of bugs, but let's just hope that none of them come on here," he says.

It's around nine, maybe even ten, and the sky is much darker than before—because you know, that's usually how things work. You laugh at him, amused that someone like Dazai even thought of any of this, planned any of this. "Close your eyes, and give me your right hand," Dazai says, moving over to get closer to you. You raise an eyebrow at him, but put your hand out anyway, shutting your eyes as you do so.

Then he's taking the things that he put in his pocket earlier, taking them out and setting them in front of him for a moment. He takes your hand, and you feel metal sliding against your finger and—


"You can open your eyes now," he whispers, slightly nervous for an answer. You look down at your hand, and now there's a ring on it. Sitting right on your ring finger, but Dazai made sure it was your right hand—as if it was foreshadowing of what's to come eventually. "...Do you like it?" He asks when he doesn't get an answer.

"I do—" you reply, still stuck on the simple thought of it. Then his own hand comes into view, and you see the identical ring on his right hand, resting on his ring finger. "I got us both the same one," he says, and that stupid adorable giggle that can make you melt comes right after. "You seriously didn't have to, but I love it," you say, eyes repeatedly looking over to his hand and then your own.

"Of course I did," Dazai starts, extremely glad that his plan worked out just like he wanted it to, "I love you." It feels so free to say it at any time, and his own body feels light whenever the words come out of his mouth.

He's surprised it hasn't slipped out before.

"I love you," you say back, "how did you even get the size—?" Dazai chuckles, "Well, after feeling your hands on me quite a few times, I estimated." Reasonable, absolutely valid way of finding someone's ring size. And that sparks some sort of interest. For now, you kiss him softly, simply appreciating him.

See, it's a different story when you're in a bedroom. Because on the way back, you two were trying to stay away from each for the time being, and Dazai also chose not to call anyone to pick you two up. So when you're finally back to the room, saying that you're pressed up against a wall is something that should've been expected.

You end up pushing him off, leading him to the actual bed and making him lie down as you start kissing and sucking on his neck. Dazai's face might as well burn off at this point, because now he has this blush that's tinting his face, and he's gasping quietly, trying not to embarrass himself.

Logically, he covers his mouth with his hand as he leans his head back, but your hands slide up and meet his, pulling them away so that he's now pinned down. It doesn't take long before you end up finding his weakest spot, and to your surprise—

Dazai actually moans.

Softly, almost—something that someone standing on the opposite side of the room wouldn't hear. But Dazai might just die on the spot because now he's embarrassed, far, far more embarrassed than calling him Dazoo.

You pull back, smirking at him like you won the biggest award of all time.

Because it's almost like you did—

A/N: y'all...I didn't know what to do at the end, but anyway—I've published the first chapter of my new book! It's called 'Before Us' and I won't be adding more chapters until I've finished this one, but feel free to check it out (it's still bsd). It's just there to see whether or not you're interested in it.

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