Thirteen • The Memories We Share

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"I can't wait till I get to kill you."

• • •

He runs through the hallway, sprinting as he tries to get back to your room. He's grabbing the keys as he runs, trying to find the right one as he reaches your door, unlocking it quickly and letting himself in.

Luckily, you were already out of bed and ready, sitting at the edge of the bed as you stared at the blank walls that filled the room. "[Y/N]," He yells.

You turn your head to the door, jumping slightly since you didn't hear the door open. "I know where he is, let's go, now."

He isn't letting you speak when he walks over and takes your hand, forcing you to get off the bed and follow him. "I'm sorry," He whispers softly.

He isn't in the wrong either, he's worried about Chuuya. And it makes sense, Corruption can only be nullified by Dazai's ability--leaving Dazai with a lot of pressure, leaving him with nothing but guilt.

He takes one of the cars that the mafia holds, letting you two take a seat as he takes the keys that were already in the car. He's already stepping on the gas pedal, driving God knows how fast, trying to get to Chuuya as quickly as possible.

Mind you, Dazai isn't the greatest driver out there.

And with that extra thought of Chuuya in his mind? He isn't thinking properly at all, hell, he isn't even thinking.

You stop at a common hospital that isn't too far from the Port Mafia.

Why would they even treat him at a normal hospital anyway?

He parks the car at the front of the hospital, paying no mind to the 'No Parking' sign there. You follow him into the hospital, finding your way to the front desk.

"I need to see Chuuya Nakahara," He says to the person seated at the desk. Long blonde hair tied into a ponytail accompanies her dark brown eyes as she smiles gently, "Are you related to the patient?"

"Y-Yes," He stutters. "Please, we really need to see him."

She doesn't ask too many questions as she examines Dazai's face, "Floor 203."

"Thank you," You say before leaving. "Wait," The woman stops you two. "You," She points towards Dazai, "Do you need help with anything?"

What does she mean hel-?


Right. Dazai is covered in bandages, who wouldn't be suspicious if a teenager came into a hospital completely wrapped?

"No, I'm good. Now if you'll excuse us."

Instead of going on the elevator up, the two of you run up the stairs, trying to find the room Chuuya is supposedly in.

He mumbles the room numbers as he runs with you through the halls, "Room 200, room 201, 202...203."

"Here," He tells you.

Chances | Dazai X Reader Where stories live. Discover now