Seventy One • A Purple Eyed Man

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They end up taking the car ride home together, and the driver pays no mind to them. "You know what, Odasaku? You were wrong, I think I've found the thing that fills the hole of my loneliness," Dazai says, voice soft and kind. "What...are you talking about...?" Oda asks him, and Dazai looks at him and he sees the expression he wears—Oda looks genuinely confused. "I never said anything like that."

"...That wasn't here?" Dazai mumbles to himself quietly. To him it's something that's so clear, yet he isn't sure where he even got that from. "What are you saying, Dazai?" Oda asks him, because he doesn't usually see Dazai like this. "Huh...that wasn't here," Dazai once again mumbles to himself. "Nothing to worry about, Odasaku," Dazai smiles, and Oda takes it as a sign not to push him.

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The doorknob of the room twists, and you straighten up from the bed. Leaving whatever you were doing before to the side. Dazai walks into the room, "Oh, you're still awake." He walks over, stripping himself from his clothes as he grabs a more comfortable shirt. "Obviously, I was waiting for you," you reply with ease, watching him take off and put on different clothes. "Waiting?" Dazai asks curiously, "did you want something from me specifically? By the way, are you still feeling okay?"

You play with the fabric of the blanket, "I mean, a kiss would be nice— and yes, I'm still feeling okay." Dazai chuckles—turning to look behind him—he looks down at his hand, and he realizes that he forgot to tell Oda about the rings. He walks his way closer to you, lifting up the blanket and sliding under it with you before kissing you softly. Hands wander down and find yours, and he intertwines your fingers with his, and the rings brush together and—

He put his on his left hand?

"I love you," he mumbles sweetly against your lips. "I can't imagine a life without you, and I don't want to imagine it either," he whispers, slowly pulling back. "Since when were you so sappy?" You laugh at him, but you squeeze his hand gently. "Oh, always," Dazai states, rolling his eyes in nothing but amusement, "and I'd tell the entire world I love you, if you really wanted me to."

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The next three days ever since Mori's phone call with the unknown person go by quickly. Chuuya still hasn't talked to Tachihara, but he isn't stressed out about it or anything. Totally. He's just...maintaining himself. He's lived without Tachihara before, it wouldn't be hard to go back into a life without him. But, he doesn't want that.

Is he just overthinking it?

Dazai's phone rings in the room, waking the two of you up. Dazai groans, but he isn't exactly frustrated because he assumes that it's either Oda or Chuuya, but...once he sees the caller ID, he's rolling his eyes in annoyance and he's seriously considering declining it.

But, as a good executive, he answers.

"Hello?" Dazai says, and he doesn't want his voice to be the first thing he hears this morning.

"Hello, Dazai," Mori says happily. "After ages, I have a mission for the three of you. Be in my office in thirty minutes. Bye!"

He ends the call almost immediately. Thirty minutes, what the fuck? Mori usually gives more time than that, but then Dazai looks over at the time—it's eleven, and Mori magically expects everyone to be up way before that.

"We have to meet Mori in thirty minutes," he says, sliding back down and lazily pressing kisses to the back of your neck. You groan, frustrated that Mori's calling you now of all times, "Why'd you slide back in then?" You ask him, a small laugh passing through your lips. "Fuck Mori, that's why," Dazai replies easily, and it doesn't sound like he's joking either—

"Let's get up, did you call Chuuya?"

"Right," Dazai clicks his tongue, slowly getting up from the bed and picking up his phone to call Chuuya. While you walk over first into the bathroom, Dazai explains to Chuuya that they have to meet in Mori's office soon. And once you're all ready, you start heading over to the office. There's two faint voices coming from the office—one of them familiar, the other is completely new.

Or well, Dazai thinks it is.

Mori sees the three of you standing at the doorway. "Ah, Dazai, come on in." The three of you walk in, and eye the man sitting on the chair in front of Mori's desk. "Who's this?" Dazai asks the silent question, looking over at the man—long black hair, eyes that look seemingly like a mix of purple and pink, and a white hat resting on top of his head. Said man turns around to face Dazai, and he smiles, "Fyodor, is my name."

Dazai already doesn't like him. He doesn't know why, but he already knows there's something off about him. As if he's read about him before—maybe even met him. But where—and when...?

"Fyodor," Mori motions. "This is the executive I was talking to you about earlier." He looks over at Dazai, a small grin plastered on his face, "I believe you and Fyodor are very similar."

Great. That's impossibly great for Dazai, isn't it?

"What's he doing here?" Dazai instantly asks, and Mori winces a little when he hears Dazai being so straightforward. Fyodor looks back at him, crossing one leg over the other as he speaks, "I'm from the enemy organization," he casually drops in, "I'm only giving information, as well as I am receiving."

Dazai isn't smiling as brightly as Fyodor right now. Hell, he has his strongest poker face on and Fyodor's having a difficult time breaking through it. It's not like Dazai's reading Fyodor very well either, but he somehow already has some background knowledge on him. Dazai clicks his tongue in response, not bothering to actually say words.

"I'll be taking my leave then," Fyodor says, getting up from the chair. He walks over to you, "And you are?" He starts, taking your hand gently and bringing it up to press a kiss onto it—but you don't let him, instead you force the contact into a simple friendly handshake. "No?" Fyodor smiles, one eyebrow raised. "She's my girlfriend, you can leave now," Dazai says, putting his hand on your waist.

Fyodor sighs in defeat, putting his hand into his pocket. "Another life?" Fyodor asks, amused by this interaction as a whole. "Maybe?" He says when he sees the way your eyes narrow down, completely tired of him already.

He makes his way out of the room.

"Until we meet again, Dazai."

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