Twenty Eight • There's Room for Surprises

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"Boss, we're leaving it."

• • •

He can hear Mori scoff on the other side before he hangs up, and he rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Let's go," Dazai once again announces, turning his back towards you and Chuuya, leading the way back. Neither you or Chuuya say anything to him, you simply follow him. You stumble into your backup on the way down the building. Dazai says no word, only glares at the other members and they instantly make their way up the stairs, trying to finish off the mission you were all meant to do.

Dazai does not speak the whole way down, the silence is comforting, there's no doubt about that—but it also feels odd, unnatural. And as if Chuuya was reading your mind, he calls him, "Dazai?" He turns his head back to look at Chuuya, "Yeah?" His eyebrow is raised in confusion, and Chuuya starts fumbling with his gloves, "Are you—" Okay? Dazai already knows what he's about to ask, "Yes, Chuuya."

You walk a little faster, trying to get closer to Dazai and once you do, you place one of your hands onto his back. He turns his head to face you, forcefully putting on a small smile while mouthing, "Thank you." He means it, he really does need to focus on something else right now. Making your way down the building, you and Chuuya were a little more cautious—just in case someone happened to show up—and Dazai freely walked the stairway and halls, as if this was his home. He opens the door for both you and Chuuya, letting you two go in front of him. Your eyes lay onto the jet black car waiting right outside the building, and the sound of gunfire fills your ears.

And all of a sudden, a much closer, louder gunshot is heard from behind you. You and Chuuya instantly turn your heads back to see what had happened, and Chuuya's eyes widen when he sees Dazai holding his gun firmly.

And then there's another gunshot.

Then another.

And another.

He's not stopping, he doesn't stop until Chuuya takes the gun away from him, staring at him wide eyed. Dazai starts laughing at his reaction, looking at him and then the dead body of the person who was following the three of you. "Get in the car," Chuuya says, still a little stunned. Dazai smirks at him, obeying the order given and getting into the car himself. You sit next to him in the backseat while Chuuya sits in the front with the driver who isn't paying any attention to any of you. You turn to buckle in the seatbelt that's in your hand, and Dazai's face is so close to yours when he does the same motion. He pays no mind to the fact that there are two other people in the car when leaning in and softly kissing you. It's quick, and you were a little too shocked to return it at the moment—mainly because of how Dazai was acting before.

A few minutes into the drive, Dazai gets yet another call from Mori. He groans loudly, "Chibi, you answer the phone." Chuuya immediately turns his head back to look at him, "No way, it's your phone!"

Chuuya hasn't always...been very good at talking to Mori. Why should he? Dazai does it for him anyway, and it's not like Mori and him are close either.

He's only making Chuuya answer because he knows that Mori is different around Chuuya, and that he's already going to get some stupid lecture—that he doesn't care about—when he gets back. Why would he want to hear Mori's bullshit early?

Dazai hums, "Well, I am in a higher place than you, so take this as an order." Chuuya scoffs as he takes the phone from Dazai's hands, "Don't use your shitty executive place as an excuse." He says before picking up the call, "Boss?" Dazai can imagine Mori's face right now. "Ah, Chuuya, is Dazai around? I heard you were coming back," he asks. "We're almost back, actually," Chuuya replies, completely ignoring Mori's question regarding Dazai.

Because he...partially knows about how Mori and Dazai's relationship is. It's why he had to comfort him that one day, a long, long time ago. It's a faint memory, Dazai was shaking harder today compared to the first time. "Okay," Mori clicks his tongue in both satisfaction and annoyance before ending the call.

Chuuya throws Dazai's phone back to him, "I hate you." What you were wondering was why the driver hadn't said anything yet. He's most likely one of the extras in the Mafia that don't do anything. Too scared to go on missions, too scared to talk to the boss.

Because really, Mori isn't that much of a piece of shit—if we're talking about how he is when he's not talking to Dazai, alone—he's a somewhat good leader. Even if his ability is extremely concerning.

The driver parks in front of the doors, signalling you all to get out of the car now. You all get out, and after exchanging a few glances, you all know that you're headed to Mori's office.

• • •

"I'm very glad that you cancelled when it was right, however, half of our backup is now gone," Mori says, chuckling slightly. You raise an eyebrow at him. "Chuuya, are you feeling okay?" Mori asks him.

Fake concern, Dazai thinks.

Yeah, he's a member of the Mafia, he does care about Chuuya, but not as much as he seems to. And when Dazai and Mori's eyes meet, there's not much to question. They both know that Dazai was the reason they came back, and Mori figured out that it was probably because of the use of Corruption.

"Yeah—" Chuuya starts, but Dazai cuts him off. "I brought us back because I wasn't ready for the responsibility of handling Corruption, Boss." Mori raises one of his eyebrows, trying hard not to grin at the response, "I see, well there's not much for us to talk about then." He starts looking through the drawers of his desk, cleaning up the place a little, "You're free to go."

You all get up from your seats, and you couldn't help but notice how quickly Dazai changed—from the way he was when you were on the roof, then while he was walking through the building, then when he was fucking shooting an already dead person, the way he acted in the car, and now—he seems both happy and confused at the same time.

Dazai's still looking at Mori. "Do you need anything, Dazai?" Mori asks, lips tugging into a wide smirk as he watches Dazai's reaction.

Weren't you going to talk to me, alone?

"No, nothing at all," he replies.

Hmm, one point for Mori then. That definitely surprised Dazai, probably because he was just so used to Mori talking to him after every mission he's had.

"I'll let you leave then."

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