Ten • Tears Under Moonlight

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"Sadly, it is"

• • •

There's not much time you have to ask questions about the mission when Mori only gives you the location.

"They're supposedly going to be there at around ten," Mori explains, his hands are put together with his fingers intertwined, letting his chin rest on them.

His straight jet black hair falls on his face and he's grinning, "You should get going, shouldn't you?" He asks the three of you. "R-Right," Dazai stutters, still scanning Mori's face cause he doesn't understand why he's grinning.

You all get up at the same time, heading for the door until Mori stops you, "Dazai." He turns his head back, looking at Mori. "Stay back for just one minute."

Chuuya raises an eyebrow before walking out the door with you, making you go a few steps ahead of him.

Dazai walks back towards the desk, "Yes?" Mori's eyes almost immediately darkens, an expression that Dazai recognizes almost immediately from three years ago. "Don't mess this up," Mori starts, one of his hands are in a fist on the table. "This is important."

And, well, Dazai scoffs in response, walking out the door almost instantly as he raises one hand and gives a quick wave back to Mori.

He quickly catches up to you and Chuuya after noticing the familiar laughter fill the hallway. Chuuya turns around, "We should head to the location."

• • •

What the fuck, Mori.

You reach the said location, there's several men dressed in all black surrounding you with guns, and the full moon's practically set on the extremely wide building as if it's for dramatic effect.

First things first, you were meant to go to the roof of the building. The last thing you expected was so many people ambushing you.

You've gone through quite a few missions once you became an official member of the port mafia, but they were nothing like this.

Dazai and Chuuya on the other hand...

Mori just couldn't tell them. He couldn't give some sort of heads up that, "Hey, this mission is similar to the Dragon's Head Conflict, be careful."

Of course not—and it's not even surprising—Mori practically lives off chaos and surprises so he obviously didn't feel like telling you.

A warning would've been nice.

A warning better than "Don't mess this up."

He quickly shuts the door to the roof and the first thing Dazai does is try to make a joke out of the situation, "I hope you can see the joy in my eyes."

You look over to him, "How are we gonna get rid of all of them at quickly?"

As much as he doesn't want to, he has to.

"I think Chuuya and I have a rough idea of what we could do," Dazai explains.

He looks over to Chuuya, "We've done this before and it seems to be like Operation Shame and Toad."

Chances | Dazai X Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora