Forty Four • The Hierarchy

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A world where you never fell in love.

• • •

Falling in love was probably the last thing that you would've thought would happen after running away. But given everything that's happened ever since that day, the things you'd expect last do come to you sometimes. The word love itself was thrown around so much, slowly losing its meaning, and falling in love with Dazai was so unexpected.

Because life doesn't work like a typical princess movie where some questionable person falls from the sky and says that you're in love with magical sparkles around them. It's so much more intense, a feeling that you want to keep. Now with Dazai, you don't want to let go, don't want anything to break. It's all so unexpected, just everything about the Port Mafia was unexpected, it didn't make sense.

What the fuck was Mori doing there before?

So now, the words pounding in your head, the feeling pounding in your chest, the feeling becomes so clear.

"I think," Dazai starts, grabbing onto your hands, "I just want to spend time with you, right now." Right now, meaning, you both had planned to go to Chuuya's room at night because it's still his birthday. Thinking about it, you had forgotten to mention that Chuuya texted you, saying that he'd be hanging out with Tachihara today.

It doesn't need to be brought up now, though.

"That'd be nice," you reply, giving his hand a small squeeze. "Anything you wanna do, is okay."

Because Dazai is a little frustrated at the same time. Oda is supposed to be leaving tonight. Why didn't he tell him sooner? Was it because Oda thought that Dazai was already dealing with so much from Chuuya's Corruption form? Why—

Why'd he push it to the very end?

He laughs at that. "I can hug you, cuddle you, and kiss you?" A lot.

"You wanna get back in bed?" You ask him, because today's a free day anyway. "I'd like that," he responds, taking off his upper layers of clothing so that he's only left in his collared shirt. For maybe the first time, he unbuttons the first few buttons of the shirt, allowing you to see a bit of the bandages underneath as he slips under the sheets.

You follow him, resting your somewhat sore body down next to him. The first thing he automatically does is pull you closer to him, pressing his lips against yours steadily. Taking his time as he bites on your bottom lip—with not too much force—to slide his tongue against your own.

You'll stay right?

You won't just leave?

It's the warmth that instantly spreads throughout his body that drives him insane. When your free hand feels the bandages exposed on his chest, he shivers. Not going any lower, or further, you press your hand to his neck, caressing the little bit of skin the peaks over.

His eyes start to open a little as he starts to pull away, his eyes feeling heavy after getting lost into the moment.

• • •

One week before you met Mori.

"I need money again—" the man said, "I don't care how I get it—I just need it." Mori chuckles at the man that's practically begging at his feet. "You don't seem like the type of person that's worthy of working under me," Mori says, sighing as he opens his mouth again, "but I'm sure you know someone that is. That'd be enough for me, and I'll give you money—this is the last time."

"I—uh—" the man slowly starts to get up from the ground. "My old roommate, she was good with knives--" Mori's chuckle only gets darker, deeper, "Is that so? And you say old roommate?" The man looks into Mori's eyes, "I left the place when I was eighteen."

"And how exactly do you plan on bringing her to me if she isn't allowed to leave yet?"

"I've gotta think through everything?" The man scoffs, but stiffens under the touch of Mori grabbing his collar. "Do you want me to remind you who I am?"

"I'll set the place on fire, I guess?" It was a stupid plan, really. With such little success rate. "You think she'll just magically skip her way into my arms? You think she's gonna run away during that?" Mori scoffs, shoving the man back against the wall.

"She always talked about running away from that place, it seems like a good way to escape."

"I'm assuming that you know what will happen if your little scheme doesn't work well," Mori says. "Yes—" No money, and death. It was all so pathetic, and all such another game for Mori.

"Now leave, Sako. I don't want to see you until that day we agreed on."

• • •

"Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" He mumbles, lips pressed against your neck. "Sure," you reply, watching how Dazai takes his phone out of his pocket. You position yourself so that your back is facing him, and the hand that's holding the phone comes around your waist, settling there.

You both look through the movies, wondering which one would be good at the moment. Then there's someone calling Dazai. He groans in frustration as he answers the call. "What? Boss?" He only said 'Boss' to sound polite, he really doesn't care. There's a faint voice coming from the other side of the phone. "Fine—" He ends the call instantly.

"Mori's fucking calling me to see him," he says, nothing but annoyance in his tone of voice. Because Mori somehow always gets him when he's trying to spend time with people he wants to be around. "Do you think it's about Oda?" You ask him, because there was the slight possibility of it—

And that possibility was right.

Dazai doesn't bother to get into his usual clothes as he buttons up the few buttons at the top of his shirt before leaving the room. "I'll be quick, I promise," he says before shutting the door.

He really doesn't want to do this today. Not like he wants to on other days, it's just gotten so repetitive and annoying that Dazai can predict the entire speech Mori's about to give before he even enters the room. The door creaks open, and Mori turns around in his chair, as if he was waiting for the right moment to do so.

"Ah, welcome, Dazai."

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