"That's at least one good thing" Aizawa grumbled. "But now explain what went down there?"

"I don't know we arrived after all went down. But I believe he was on his way back to UA when Khaoz snatched him. They were three people, Khaoz herself, a completely deranged individual, she's responsible for multiple cases of arson, she made her existence publicly known about three years ago, one reporter dared to print her name wrong as 'C-H-A-O-S' instead of 'K-H-A-O-Z' and the next day, the building was completely burned down, she left a message to the reporters 'to get her name right, next time'."

Aizawa had heard of the arsonist. She had a high body count already, after the incident with the news agency, there were multiple factories burned down, a hospital, two police stations, many night clubs and a few apartment buildings. This person had absolutely no qualms in lighting things on fire. But no one had gotten a grip on her so far.

"Then Hannya, a woman in Geisha clothes with a Hannya mask. She can light herself on fire. And the last one is called Naphtha, she can vomit easily flammable oil. Khaoz is the leader of the group 'Agents of Khaoz'."

"Agents of Khaoz?" Tetsutetsu repeated. "What are they, the second League of Villains?"

"Not exactly, they are not really concerned with destroying hero society. I believe Khaoz herself is a big fan of some heroes. She just wants to see the world burn, that's what Moruga told us, when she managed to escape." He rubbed over Katsuki's back while talking, the poor omega was still vomiting the black substance into the bucket.

"The AOK has a fire theme, all members have fire based quirks, but unfortunately, we do not know about them individually, their faces are always covered, so no one has really a clue how they look like." While they were talking, Chiyo took care of Katsuki.

"But ... if this Khaoz girl is such a fan of heroes ... why does she do things like that? I thought villains being fans of heroes is impossible?" Kirishima murmured.

Sougo shrugged. "I am not a mind reader."

Katsuki seemed to be done for the moment, his mouth was completely covered in the black substance, his teeth, tongue, lips and even the surrounding area. "She's a fucking crazy bitch!" He growled. "She burned herself to a crisp!"

"What?" Tetsutetsu raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah! This oil bitch puked all over her and then the Geisha touched her with the flame sword and poof, she was in flames. She looked like a piece of coal, and the smell ..." he shivered.

"And how's she still alive then?" Kirishima tilted his head.

"She said she doesn't die by fire." Katsuki answered. "God, this is disgusting! It's all my fault ... I am so stupid" he grumbled.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Aizawa asked.

Katsuki exhaled. "I ... I was on my way back to UA when I saw Auntie in the city. I ... had a panic attack and just ran away" his eyes got darker. "This Khaoz woman talked to me and my stupid ass listened, that's how I got in this position in the first place. And well, it's still so fucking cold, I couldn't use my explosions in the beginning. And that oil bitch drenched her in oil, and I didn't want to fucking incinerate her. Well, guess that was my mistake. She burned anyway and then they got me." He was beyond frustrated.

"Then a second Khaoz came and she kissed me, while doing so she filled me up with that black substance ..."

"She did what?!" Eijiro growled. Tetsutetsu had to hold him back, because he got so angry.

Katsuki flinched. "S-she kissed me and then they put a leash on me ..."

Sougo put an arm around Katsuki. "I'm sorry that this happened."

"No, you don't need to apologize. It was my fault for going with her in the first place. She said she was an omega and told me a sob story. I ... I wanted to be nice and listen to her, that's what heroes do after all, but turned out to be a mistake."

Sougo raised his eyebrows. "Omega? She's an alpha" he mumbled.

"So I guessed right. She removed her collar and her stench was abhorrent. But she's awfully small for an alpha ... That's why I believed her when she said she was an omega."

"No, Michiko confirmed it, she is an alpha. Maybe even prime. But yeah, she's awfully small for that." Sougo had a serious look on his face. "Anyway, the others should come here soon, I guess they won't be able to catch Khaoz, she's slippery like a fish."

"Oh! Shit, wait!" Katsuki perked up. He lifted his hands and looked at them. He fired off some explosions and exhaled in relieve. "It's still there."

"What do you mean" Eijiro asked.

"Oh, after that Faux kissed me, she used my quirk. I just wanted to make sure, it's still there."

"Damn, that's not good." Sougo mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Katsuki looked at him.

"I ... am not sure if that is a hundred percent correct or not, but I don't think Faux copies just the quirks. You said they looked like Khaoz?"

"Y-yeah they looked exactly alike!" Katsuki confirmed.

"I think Faux copies fire quirk users, not just the quirk but their appearance."

"What do you mean by that?" Katsuki's eyes widened.

"Do you remember the League of Villain's Toga Himiko? I think it is a similar ability, just not with blood, but maybe DNA. Michiko told us that Faux had briefly turned into a copy of her ..."

Katsuki got even paler than he was. "W-what does that mean? How long will this last?"

"It could mean a variety of things. If, in the future, news headlines report about Dynamight going crazy, we know that this was Faux' doing."

Tear welled up in Katsuki's eyes. "Oh no, oh no! This is my fault" they spilled over and ran over his cheeks.

Sougo hopped onto the bed and hugged Katsuki. "Hey, we will find them. I won't let Faux ruin your life, okay?!" he stroke through Katsuki's hair. The omega nodded.

"I will inform the principal and the police, if they find someone who fits Bakugo's description, that it is probably Faux." With that, Aizawa left the infirmary to make some phone calls.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were still in the room, they had quietly discussed the situation. They would warn Fat Gum too, just in case.

"Good, uhm, you concentrate now on getting the substance out of your body and getting better in general. Don't worry about the internship. Next time you give us a call when you're done and we pick you up, okay?"

"But this is so complicated. One of you has to come here just to get me" he was beyond frustrated. "Just because I was so dumb to go with her. Why am I so fucking weak?"

"Hey, it's okay. She's the wrong enemy for you. Fire is not good against Khaoz, it makes her even stronger, so don't worry about it."

With that, Sougo stood up. "Recovery Girl, do you have a bucket and a mob? I want to clean up.

Katsuki blushed heavily. "Y-you don't have to! I can do that." God, this was so embarrassing!

"Nah, its fine, don't worry about it." With that, Sougo got to work, within a few minutes the black vomit was cleaned up. "See, no problem." He grinned.

Katsuki was still red faced, that his boss had to clean up his puke was so embarrassing. "Thanks" he mumbled, his arms and legs were wrapped around his bucket.

"If you want, you can stay here" Recovery Girl said. "But you can also return to the dorms. Physically you're okay now, just the black substance inside of you."

"I'd rather go back to the dorms" He didn't want to stay here all night. He tried to stand up, but his legs gave up immediately.

Sougo caught him and lifted him up, bridal style. Katsuki's cheeks got even redder. Damn this was so embarrassing! "Okay, we can go. Could one of you take the bucket, please? And would you show me the way to your dorms?"

"Sure" Kirishima mumbled, he grabbed the bucket and emptied it in the sink, before he walked in front of Sougo and showed him the way to the dorms.

Not as planned 1 - Katsuki BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now