Katsuki looked irritated. Khaoz cleared her throat. "You'd be a nice pet for me, you know, I love the explosive, fiery types, I recently lost a little pet of mine and I need to replace it. I saw you last year on the sports festival, and couldn't turn my eyes from you. Your explosions, your wild personality" She chuckled. "I thought you would present as alpha, at first. You can't believe how relieved I was, when you turned out to be an omega. Omegas are so much easier to control!" Her eyes glowed unnaturally blue.

"But, aren't you an omega yourself? Why are you doing this?" Katsuki asked. He looked for the best escape route. He wasn't in top form and he didn't know what these women could do. But this Khaoz woman seemed to know him quite a lot.

She laughed. "Oh, yeah, I did say that, right?" she shrugged her shoulders. She grabbed something around her neck, a collar! She opened it and took it off. Immediately the air was filled with the stench of petrol, aluminum and burned rubber, there was an awfully sweet stench mixed in, caramel? It was really out of place. The stench was so extreme, that it burned his nostrils. This was definitely no omega scent! She was an alpha, at least! But why was she so small then? She wasn't much bigger than Katsuki.

"It's just so much easier for a woman to pass as omega, you won't believe what guys are willing to do for me" she laughed.

He let some explosions go off as a warning, he destroyed his gloves in the process, but he couldn't do anything about it at the moment.

"Oh, that's so cute" Khaoz mumbled. "Hey, Omega! How about you burn me with those?"

"Are you fucking nuts?" He growled.

"No, I am not crazy, I just love everything that burns." She laughed. "But we have talked enough now. Do you come voluntarily with me or do you want to make a scene? I promise I will take good care of you!"

"Are you some degenerates like those fucking French people? Those who capture omegas and keep them as pets?"

"French people?" Khaoz tilted her head. "Oh! I know who you mean. That woman who ran with the League of Villains, right?"

"Damn right" Katsuki glared at her. "Are you working for the League too?"

"Absolutely not! First, I keep omegas as my personal toys, I usually don't sell them off, and second, I fucking hate the League of Villains. This god damn Shigaraki stole one of my pets! Besides, he's just a child in a man's body, he's the typical comic book villain, cowering in the dark, planning his Plans of Evil and whining about heroes yada, yada." She sounded annoyed. "This kid has absolutely no style. And no plan how to work in a society. He wanted me to join to destroy hero society and shit, but I love heroes! I love the cat and mouse game you can play with them! If there were no heroes, who would try to stop me when I'm about to burn down the next building?" Suddenly, Khaoz stopped, she tilted her head and looked at him.

She started to laugh like a maniac. "Oh my god! You made me ramble! Like a comic book villain" she laughed more. "You know, those villains who talk to the hero about their evil plans and then wonder while they fail? You just did that! I rambled to you! Haha but this is okay. I am not mad" She walked closer towards him. "Now, be cute and become my pet."

"Get the fuck off of me! I won't be your little pet!" he yelled, more explosions coming off of him. "And you are definitely a fucking psychopath! Burning down buildings? Why?"

"Because it's fun, it's an absolute delight to see people burn and suffer!" Her grin was so wide, that Katsuki could see it over the seams of her mask "Oh and you might wanna be careful with that!" Khaoz mentioned. She snapped her fingers.

Katsuki heard a retching sound from behind him. The tall woman lifted her veil to uncover her mouth, and suddenly she projectile vomited a black substance onto Khaoz. Katsuki scrunched his nose in disgust. This was oil!

Not as planned 1 - Katsuki BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now