chapter19 Opening a Shop

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Chapter 19 Opening a Shop

    Add an extra 10 gold coins. As for the extra 10 gold coins, Lujiu chose to add a floor in the department store as a playground for underage children to entertain and relax.

    Xuantian City now has more than 1,500 temporary residents, among which there are about 400 underage children, and the toy city she opened is divided into two parts.

    One side is suitable for children under 10 years old, and the other side is suitable for children over 10 years old. I believe children will be very happy to see it.

    In fact, more shops can be opened, including serious entertainment venues, but the level of Xuantian City is not enough, and Lu Jiu personally feels that these are not needed now.

    She didn't want to open a restaurant, because there are many food stalls in the city, but she chose to open it in order to facilitate the NPC to buy food.

    These NPCs are not simple robots, they have thoughts, but they are loyal to the city lord, have vitality and physical strength, so Lu Jiu has to pay them.

    NPCs equipped with something have their own purchase channels, and items such as blood and physical strength have to be given by the city lord.

    So raising NPC is really expensive.

    After being promoted to a second-tier city-state, the number of combat NPCs on patrol doubled, and the original sixteen were increased to thirty-two now. She has the authority of the city lord and has special channels to purchase defense equipment.

    After spending resources and gold coins to be promoted to the second-tier city-state, Lu Jiu invited Shen Jufeng to visit the city-state's changes.

    They obviously felt that the road was widened when they rented out the residence, and the paved floor has also changed, from the original blue-gray to black.

    The wooden platform of the fixed booth in the commercial street next to it has a spacious roof to protect it from the sun and rain.

    The most conspicuous are the several shops that have risen from the ground. Each shop has a sign, such as Xuantian Tailor Shop, Xuantian Restaurant, Xuantian Pharmacy and so on.

    Many of them are closed, which are the facades that have not yet been opened.

    Tailor shops and restaurants are okay, and pharmacies and forging shops are visited by the most people.

    Lu Jiu and Shen Jufeng visited the pharmacy first. After they walked in, they found that the interior of the pharmacy was modernly decorated. For a moment, they mistakenly thought they were returning to a peaceful society.

    The manager of the drugstore is a young mixed-race girl like a western elf, and many people who visit the store are attracted by her appearance.

    "How come there are no products in the shop?" someone who visited asked the drugstore NPC.

    I heard that many of them wanted to see what kind of medicine the game world would sell in pharmacies, but there was nothing on the showcase.

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