chapter 66- irritating interruptions

Start from the beginning

"You look so fat in that outfit."

"I don't remember asking for your opinion, but thank you for the useless, and irrelevant comment." I tell her, sticking out my middle finger. She scoffs and walks off. Ugh. I hate her.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"You looked like you were gonna explode."

"She's mildly irritating. But harmless. But it's still irritating."

"How do you know her?"

"We used to take dance classes as kids together." He hums.

"Seems like you are just besties." I give him a look, and he laughs.

"Get me some food, Williamson, and not that kind of food," I grumble, knowing the wheels in his head were turning as I asked him. He didn't comment.

I grabbed a veggie burger for myself, and Noah at a full falafel bowl. It was ginormous.

"How's the falafel?" I ask him teasingly,as I finish up the last bite in my burger.

"Why did I order this? I can't eat this much!"

"I told you the same exact thing 15 minutes ago."

"Fuck you."

"You already did." I reply, smirking. His cheeks redden slightly. He lowers his voice.

"This bowl, doesn't taste as good as you though," He whispers, and it became my turn to blush.

We eventually end up packing his falafel to go because this doofus ordered a size too large.

Evening soon dwell, and we got ready to go to the club. I put on a royal blue crop top that dipped low in the front, and some black shorts, tucking the top into the shorts. I slipped on some silver earrings and had a shadowy eyeshadow color. My lips were glossed up.

I looked at my appearance in the mirror. I looked so good. I loved this look so much. I stepped out of the bathroom and Noah came up to me, scanning me over, his eyes lingering at my chest.

"I want to just stay here and rip this top off you, fuck you against the-" I place my hand over his mouth and my cheeks turn pink.

"Do you like it?" I ask him, uncovering his mouth.

"You look so hot, I-I have no clue how I'll keep my hands to myself tonight," He says, sliding his hands over my bare upper back. I shivered under his touch. It feels so damn good.

"Can I kiss you? I don't want to ruin your makeup..." Noah hesitantly asks. I grin and show him that the gloss is not going to come off, it's like this cool superstay thing. I press my lips against his, my eyes fluttering shut. His mouth opens to mine, and his tongue dominates if. The kiss gets more heated, and the thin straps of the top slide off, skimming my bare shoulders, the tops of my breasts. I moan into his mouth, as he groans against me, I can feel the want pouring out of him. I want him just as badly, but a knock on the door interrupts us. We pull away from each other, gasping for breath. I go back into the bathroom, abs attempt to fix my missed hair. My lips are slightly swollen and my cheeks look flushed. I tuck  my top onto my shorts and fix my appearance before slowing the person to come in. I walk out of the bathroom to see Noah pacing the room, the buttons of his shirt undone, and his hair missed.

"Noah, you might want to fix yourself a bit."

He runs into the bathroom and I open the door, and find Nyra standing there. She hugs me.

"Hey! How was your flight?" She asks me, and I beckon her inside.

"It was good! We flew in his jet, it was pretty nice. I slept for most of the way though."

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