Wang... can you hear m- Zhao Yunlan meditation states is abruptly disrupted when he feels a sharp breakout of dark energies couple miles from the house.

"Little angel, they are here!" Zhao Yunlan worriedly said making little angel alert.

"Who is here?" Little Angel asks.

"Tengu. While meditating I felt their energies a couple of miles from here. I think they found out that we are hiding here." Zhao Yunlan explains while casting additional spell onto the house to make it invincible from being detected.

"What are we going to do, master. Master Wei's current condition is easy to be kidnap" Little angel worriedly replies while looking sadly at their sleeping beauty.

"I have enough power to attack them, but I prefer to stay hidden as long as we can. I don't think they know our coordinate yet." Zhao Yunlan hastily explains and steps out from the room and puts a barrier on it so nobody can get in unless it is broken by Zhao Yunlan himself.

"Wow... master. Your power is really strong now." Little angel chirps seeing how easily his master can cast such a high-level spell without breaking a sweat. It's quite impressive.

"What about others?" Little Angel worriedly asks, thinking of their housemates.

"I'm worried about them too, especially Shen Wei and Yezun. They look exactly like our leader." Zhao Yunlan confesses while searching for the house.

"Chief Zhao?!" Zhao Yunlan shouts while running down the steps.

"What is happening? Is something wrong with your Shen Wei?" Chief Zhao Yunlan worriedly asks, and others gather around hearing the shouting.

"What's going on?" Yezun asks while coming down the stairs and Shen Wei is behind him with a puzzled look.

Little angel, go double check to see it all opening are lock shut. Zhao Yunlan telepathically orders.

Ok master!

"Where Da Qing?" Zhao Yunlan asks seeing other three in the living room now.

"He went outside to buy something" Chief Zhao said warily.

"Please call him back here now. Danger is outside." Zhao Yunlan demands making others worried and not understanding what is going on.

"Hey, calm down first. Tell us what is going on?" Shen Wei asks seeing their guest is agitated.

"Yeah. Besides he can defend himself." Yezun replies confidently.

"No, he will not be able defeat the enemies. They have powers that can kill him quite easily. Please just call him to come back as soon he can. I had put on an extra barrier around the house already. I will explain everything afterward." Zhao Yunlan states and Yezun didn't wait a second longer, he already dial his husband number asking to return promptly.

"He said he will be here in few minutes." Yezun answers back.

"Good. "Are Dr. Chen and Guo still inside sleeping?" Zhao Yunlan asks.

"Yes." Shen Wei replies, feeling worried.

"Hey, what's going on?" Da Qing asks while arriving.

Seeing Da Qing arrive safely, everyone releases sigh of relief.

Little angel?

All set, master Yunlan.

Thank You. Please guard Xiao Wei's room.

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