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Tymara POV

I was in the car lit like a mufucka. I'm own the way to Florida to see ka'mara and spend time with her. "AYYYYYYYYT" some girl hand out the window getting lit with me.

The light turned green.
I made my way to the address and this house was bomb as fuck on the outside. I wonder what she do ?
I knocked on the door. The door swung open and I seen ka'mara. "TEETEEEEE" she came running hugging my legs.

"Hey girl I'm glad you came" she said letting me in. I walked in the kitchen and it was some stuff on the sink.

But some don't feel right. It was the energy in here "sorry was just making slime" she said sitting at the table.

"Aye bab- oh we got company who det" the muscular man said. He too damn big but when he touched the girl shoulder she looked down like what the fuck.

"I'm tymara, her auntie" I said pointing at ka'mara.

"Oh well I'm finna go anyway" he kissed the girl head and she flinched a little but ima leave it alone until I see it.

He left and I heard the door close. "My name is nassa" she said giving me a hug. Well okay.....

"How about we got out to a spa then done to eat. Girls day, I'll pay" I said.

"Ughh you don't have to" she said.

"But I want to so let's go" I said.

"I have to change" she said. I really don't see what's wrong with what she got on and why she ain't no scared of everything. "It's ok with what you got on" I said and she walked out with ka'mara.
We at the spa just talking and stuff when some bitch came in mugging me. She better mind hers and not start with me cause I'll will shot this bitch up.

"This is the best ever" nassa said. I swear some ain't right with this girl, it's like a feeling where you know some is off.

"All don't. You ladies have a nice day" the lady said and I dropped a $100 on her desk.

"Oh ma'am you forgetting your change" she said as I'm going out the door.

"Keep it" I said.
"Roman Ovens" I said.

"Umm sure yeah" she said.

"I want cinnamon roll" ka'mara said in the backseat. I hope they got them in here cause she finna get tossed out the window but this girl beside me I need to talk to her.

We got out going inside. "Never seen so much food in one place" she said.

"Well I'm glad it's your first with me" I said. We paid our way in and we got to our seat. "Let's eat y'all" I said cause I'm finna eat the damn building I'm so hungry and I didn't have nun to eat this morning.
Chase POV
In order to caught this niggah Royce and joe, we got to think smarter and harder and get rid of they main person.

Officer Rudy.

"So what we gone do bruh" popo said. Everybody talking and I'm just thinking and it came across my mind quick "who in this bitch got a huge ass platform on social media" I said.

Everybody just looking around. "Nobody in here" puncho said.

I thought harder. "I do" curry stood up. He the quiet one. I told him to let me see and this mothafucka got over 600k on IG.


"What do you do" I asked him.

"Ima DJ. DJ Quietstorm" he said.

"Mothafucka that you" popo said.

"WOOOOOOWWWWW" I said. This muthafucka is basically famous out here but how we didn't know that was him tho but fuck all that.

"We can blackmail this niggah and tell him to tell us where this niggah Royce and Andre at and we still gone lost the bitch" I said.

"Naw we find them first then get him cause if we get them first then he gone know who did it but if 12 get a hold on him then he can't say shit" popo said.

Smart shit.

"Bet that" he said leaving.

"Niggah got lil Wayne following him" I said.
Nassa POV
"Have a good night" I said to the girl.

"You too" she said then done off. She so nice but soon ass I walked through the door *SMACK*. I get hot and fall on the floor.

"What I don't told you about having company over my house house *SMACK*" he said smacking me again.

"Stop hurting her" ka'mara said and he smack ka'mara over the head and told her to go to the room.

He picking me off the floor chocking me with two hands to a point where I couldn't breath. "I'm s-s-sorry" I tried my hardest to say.

He dropped me in the ground dragging me by my hair to the kitchen. Everything that was on the counter he pushed all on me.

"Get up" he said pulling me up by my neck again throwing me to the living room.

"Nie I'm leaving and invite somebody over and see what happen" he said. And I hear the door slams.
Tymara POV
"Hold on please" I said to the man at the desk. Tryna check in a hotel when this random number keep calling me.

"Okay what you was sa- hold on please let me take this" I said. I went outside to take the call "who the fuck is this keep calling me" I said.

"It's me nassa, I need your help" she said crying hard through the phone. She didn't even have to tell me what happened cause I got in the car and damn near drift the fuck up out of there.

I knew some was wrong.
I parks down the street and went through the back door like she told me. "Nassa" I said and they came from behind the kitchen island.

"Let's go y'all" I said and we got away from that house to my car. "Ima check y'all in a hotel with me tonight" I said.
We get to the hotel and her face is bruised up. "He been doing this for a whole year now. He beats me and sometimes for nothing and today he hit ka'mara" she said.

Wait he what-

"I'm sorry but hit her. This little girl. My niece" I said. HELL NAW BITCH YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP

Ka'mara was sleep so I checked her and she got a bruise on the side of her ear "come on we finna find him" I said.

"No please. Please don't" she said.

"I said come on" I yelled at her. This our niece so we finna do some about this the fuck.
We pulled up to his location and seen him standing with some boys. "I'm finna show you how I rock around this bitch let's go" I told her getting out the car.

"Aye you bitch" he looks at me.

"Who" he said.

"Yeah you kissy you like to put your hands on a female huh" I said. Nassa walked up with me and he came at her but I stepped infront.

Ion give a fuck how big you is. I got some that will knock yo big ass off yo feet "go home NOW" he yelled at her.

"No she ain't going no where with you" I said and he gone hit me and her. Them boys was in the back laughing.

Ok..... "stay right here" I said picking the girl back up going to my car. "Sit in here" I said popping my truck.

I pulled out the gun chase let me have. Soon as I close that truck, I started shooting.


I struck that big ass dude in the back. I ran back to the car driving off.
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