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Tymara POV
"Wake up luh bitty bitch" tasia said. I should get up and kick her ass but I'm too sore right now.

I sat up in the bed just sitting cause ima be in these motherfucka for a week. "Move girl before I send your ass flying" I heard chase voice in the hallway.

Tasia probably fucking with him.

He came in with some Burger King "here breakfast" he said. I looked in the bag see my favorite breakfast meal but how he know that though.

Okay I know he'll stalker but he stalking too hard now. "Aww thank you but how you know" I asked.

He didn't say nun then so yep he stalking hard. Big stalks

He started taking off his shoes and his shirt. "Uhh uhh what you doing it's too early for that" I said. He climbed in my bed

"Come on I'm sleepy bruh" he said.

"Okay you sleepy so go take a shower bye. Look in the top draw to get the clothes you left over here last time" I said.

He think he finna get in my bed smelling like weed he got me fucked up but this food bussin on baby.

15 minutes later he gone come out with the towel on. "Boy put your clothes on and stop the shit" I said.

He dropped the towel along with my mouf but I picked that back up quick. "Why you doing that. What's wrong with you" I said covering my face.

"You seen it before and now so shut up" he said jumping in my bed like a little ass kid.

Where the fuck tasia at cause she need to bring me my medicine cause this wound starting to hurt.

"You looking for your friend but she left with some dude" he said. Probably he bitch ass ex. I hate that niggah and always did.

"Your wound hurt" he said moving the cover. He got up going to get my stuff. He took off the badge and I damn near passed out cause that shit look crazy.

I never seen no shit like that. He pour some on the wound which mad it sting a little "calm it's just peroxide" he said.

The white shit started forming which almost made me threw up so I looked the other way. He wiped it which hurted.

"Be careful please" I said.

"Done" he said then he wrapped my stomach with the long thing I forgot what it called but I feel better but the wound was still hurting.

He went out the room and I seen from the hallway it went dark so I guess he locking the door and closing the blinds.

He came back with my medicine and done water. Thank goodness for the water "here cause I know your hurting" he said.

Glad he knew.

Now that I took the medicine I'm finna go back to sleep. He shut the blinds and turned on the TV going to YouTube but I'm finna go to sleep.

I turned the other way.

He pulled me under him putting his face in my neck watching YouTube. Okay.....whew
"Not only that, they can run 45 miles per hour and A horses penis can weigh up to 10 pound" I hear the TV say.

What the fuck !!! The tv on some other shit bruh I check the time and it was 9:00 like damn I slept that long.

I got out the bed going to the bathroom first then to tasia room to see she in the but she ain't.

I opened the door and the little girl again but she was sleep on the stairs. I walked out waking her up "hey come on sweet heart" I said.

She followed me in. "Where is your mom" I asked her.

"They left but never came back" she said. So they just left and didn't come back to her and in the middle of the summer.

"How old are you" I asked.

"5" she said. I grabbed her hand making my way to the bathroom cause she dirty as hell like literally her face is covered with dirt.

Ran her some bath water and put one of my bath bombs in there. "Stay right here" I said.

I woke chase up cause I need him to run somewhere for me. "Wassuh shorty" he said.

"I need you to run to Walmart for me and get some underwear size small, some pajamas size small, and socks for me please" I said.

He looked at me getting up laughing. "You know damn well that ass ain't finna get in no small" he said grabbing my ass.

I'm starting to like him doing that but I grabbed his ass by the bathroom door "for her dummy. Her mama left her and didn't come back" I said.

"Ight, I'll go get it let me hop in my slides" he said.

"Bring a happy meal back. Here" I said giving him a hundred.

"Naw I got it shorty but you want some" he asked.

I shook my head no and he was out the door. I started bathing her and shit "so how long she been gone" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe a long time" she said. I told her to close her eyes cause I had to wash her hair and she had amazing ass hair.

I conditioned and shampoo it.

I heard the door close and it was loud mouf ass tasia "hey bit-is that the little girl" she asked.

"Naw this a raccoon. What you think" I said. The little girl laughed.

"Her mom left her and didn't come back" I said. She gone ask me is I'm gone take care of her.

Really didn't think about that but one week then ima have to call child protective services.

"Aye I'm back" I hear chase. Niggah sound like he had hella bags.

I looked out the bathroom and this niggah play so much. "Here" he said handing me the stuff. He brought me the stuff and even hair products for her hair.

I went back and wrapped her in the towel bringing her to my room. Dried her off putting on the clothes. "Come on let's go eat" I said.

She ran into the living room. It was so cute 🥰 But ima go over her house to see who over there tomorrow.
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