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Tymara POV
I woke up and my legs were so fucking sore and my mind went to what happen yesterday. "Bout time uu woke" chase standing at the door.

I sat up "why you still here chase" I said. He walked up to me with this look on his face so I backed up on the head board.

"I'm not going no where, I tried to tell you what I had to say before you went fucking me" he said.

"And what's that's huh ? You fucking more bitches" I said.

Cause that was his last time. "I love you" he said. I turned my head tryna figure out what I just heard.

He love me ? I-

"That video was a mistake. Look at the date" he said. I look like a fucking fool now, I feel so dumb bruh. The date said April 4 with the time which was 4 months ago. Wow!!!!

"That's old, this not even my real phone he said taking other phone out his pocket. It came on and it was a picture we took of us smiling.

"I'm so sorry chase I jus- I'm so sorry, I don't know why I'm this way. I like you so much and didn't even ask you first" I said covering my face cause I feel stoopid.

"That's all I was tryna say tymara" he said crawling on me kissing me. I need to make this up to him so ima do that.

"Come on pull it out" I said.

"What" he said.

"That dick, ima make it up to you along with some more things so come on. You can take over and do what you want. Daddy" I bit my bottom lip.

Me calling him that making me want him more.
Tasia POV
"Hey Roy, you okay with us talking. She sleep" I shy said. He probably don't want to though and I understand if he don't.

He huffed. "Yeah" he said.

I sat down next to him and got nervous for some reason. "I didn't know you want me that bad and I'll give you another chance but I'm scared" I said.

"Scared of what tasia" he said.

See this why I don't want to give him another chance cause he act dumb like he don't know what he did to me. "Come on Roy" I said.

"How you cheat on me, on my birthday twice in a row. Then had me looking stoopid in front of the whole school and don't forget that girl you was fucking blasted me on the gram" I said going on bout what he did.

He fucked me up in high school.

I was all out for this niggah bruh "remember Kayla" I said and he looked at me.

"Don't do that. You don't have to bring up her name" he said. Well if he don't like it then oh well.

"How Royce ? How you fuck this girl on our prom night and the fact is I caught y'all in my car. I'm out looking for you and you was in my car fucking another female" I said.

Y'all just don't bruh, this niggah had me looking at men in a whole other way "you don't think I was sorry, and that I'm living with this guilt everyday" he said.

"Just saying I would never do you like that Royce. Give me one reason I should give you a chance" I said standing up.

"Cause I want to be with you. I still love you, want to have kids, and raise a family with you" he said. That really touched my heart that he still in love with me.

I don't know what to do. Maybe I should give him another chance but if he mess up this time man then I'm just set up for a fool again.

"Listen I'll give uu another chance but don't tuck me over this time Royce or I'll kill you" I said. I was not joking about it either.

Now that have came to a...understanding I can go get some to eat. Ima just go get Chinese but I'm taking ka'mara with me cause I still don't trust him yet.

I went to go wake her up "noooo sleeeeeep" she said.

"Girl come on we finna go get cinnamon rolls" I said and she hoped right up putting on them shoes.

She love them things so ima get her some.
Unknown POV

BITCH !!!!!!!!!!
Chase POV
I'm finna hit this luck by myself right quick since tymara fell asleep after sex again. That girl always take all my energy telling me to keeping going and going.

She must be crazy but one day she is. I put my mask down and kicked through the front door "you move you die. Where the money" I said.

He didn't comply and so I shot his ass. "Stop fucking playing with me bruh and tell before I kill you" I said.

"Kill me bitch" he said so I shot his stoopid ass right in the head. Stoopid ass, money probably be in the freezer.

I opened that hoe and there it was right there. Dumb ass niggah dawg. I creeped out the door and niggah was waiting on me "where you think you going" he said.

I only go two option. Run or shoot my way out of this but it's no fun running so shoot shoot shoot shoot.


Somebody else went to shooting at us so I went to ducking and running "uhh uhh where you going" this girl came from behind the house with a gun.

"I won't hesitate to shoot you do give it to me" she said. I knew she wasn't playing so I just gave up the money.


"Now get the fuck on before I shoot yo ass" she said.

How the fuck I just robbed somebody and somebody just robbed me. Ain't that a bitch.
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