25 - The Silver Saints

Start from the beginning

"Your time has come." Misty threatened.

His Cosmo was white and ascended gallantly; Seiya felt an enormous pressure coming from that Saint and tried to understand what he could do to survive what was to come.

"Don't worry, you'll soon be with your Master Marin." Misty threatened.
"What do you mean by that?"
"She tried to deceive me by pretending to kill you. She will be considered a traitor to the Sanctuary. And the punishment for traitors is the same as yours. Death."

Misty stepped forward again with her finger raised. It was all he needed.

"Marble Tripper!"

Seiya first noticed a pressure in his stomach, but nothing he couldn't handle. He was wrong, as it was only a disk, dark as night, sucking the entire cosmos of Misty into a single point, which then seemed to swallow Seiya's own strength, throwing him back into the sea. With such violence that he didn't even sink at first, but bounced in the waters until it crashed against a distant wave. All in a fraction of a millisecond.

His blood colored the sand and the sea in red.

One of those drops landed on Misty's perfect neck.


It was unacceptable to be dirty. Misty was a handsome warrior known for his ever-shining and elegant style. He walked to the rocks at the bottom of the beach and there removed every piece of his fine clothing until he was completely naked.

He folded everything carefully and left it on a rock at his eye level. he walked through the sand opening his hair and stepped into the cold water of that coast.

He went to where the water hit his waist and, under the moonlight, he wiped Seiya's blood from his neck. He dabbed in the sea water on his neck, on his arms, and then just stared at the huge moon lit up in the sky as his smooth skin dried.

The stars in the sky.

"There is nothing below this sky and this moon that is as beautiful as I am." he commented, marveling.

He heard behind him, however, how the water churned in an unusual way.

Misty looked over and saw Seiya bleeding out of the sea, panting.

"You should have stayed under the sea."
"I thought about that. But then I decided to come back and spill some more blood on you."
"What's the use of suffering so much? Only a miracle would make you beat me."
"Then I will perform a miracle!"

Seiya fired his Meteors, taking advantage of Misty's naked in the sea, but Misty's cosmos ascended and the water, which previously hit his waist, simply opened, revealing the Silver Warrior's entire nudity. And again the meteors missed Misty's candid body.

And his finger lifted the water and Seiya, and threw the Bronze Saint back onto the beach.

But when the water returned to its normal course, Misty noticed something terrible. Something that made him spit his own blood into the salty sea water. One of Seiya's meteors had passed through his barrier and hit his stomach.

"What is this?" Misty asked in amazement.
"That's pain." replied Seiya.

Misty looked at the filthy boy at the edge of the beach.

"Now it's my turn to teach you something. For a warrior, not having a scar is nothing to be proud of. Our scars are our proof of courage and bravery, they are like medals to us."

Seiya made his cosmos ascend strong and threatened.

"You who don't know pain can never defeat me!"

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