2 - The Legends of a New Era

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The whole city was celebrating. Hundreds of people in the streets, lots of posters, loud noises and a great traffic jam around a huge Coliseum recently built. Lines of people and children looking forward to the start of a long-awaited Tournament.

The people outside soon filled all the circular stands inside the Coliseum. Pure euphoria among those lucky enough to have had a ticket for the event; it took a while so that everyone could find its place when the ambient light dimmed to indicate the beginning of the show.

"It's showtime! The long-awaited Galaxian Wars is finally going to start today, isn't it Stacey?"
"Yes it is, Adam! Three very long months of waiting; everyone in the city and around the world is very curious about what's going to happen at this Coliseum."
"And let's face it, it all looks wonderful."
"It's beautiful, Adam. There's no way to describe it. The technology here is state-of-the-art."
"And they'll definitely wear it all on the show, but here we go! Here. We. Go. The lights went out, folks. Pay attention to the Coliseum dome and the screens as we will have a word from our organizer!"

The Coliseum's dome closed, throwing everyone into darkness, which was soon lit by stars slowly lighting up from the ceiling, only to be painted across by a beautiful Milky Way. It's as if inside the Coliseum, they could have the feeling of being under a sky strewn with glowing constellations. A young woman's hologram materializes so that everyone could see her descending straight from the stars; the long purple and brown hair in the back and a white ancient dress.

"Welcome." she began to say, followed by applause and screams from the fans. "I am Saori Kido and you are in my Coliseum. In the coming days, this Arena will be the stage of incredible battles between the Knights of the Zodiac. Young warriors who will fight for an incredible prize: the Golden Armor."

A single beam of light in the darkness illuminated a pedestal with a golden Urn that glowed and remained lit for the rest of her speech.

"Many, many years ago, in bygone ages, young warriors got together to battle in the name of peace and justice and they always fought without any weapons. Now, these young ones are among us again and will fight for the honor to become the next Golden Knight."

The crowd cheered and shouted Saori's name. The excitement was tremendous.

"I hope you have a great night and enjoy the show."

And then her image disappeared to the delight of the public who still saw, around the Golden Urn, four pyres of fire lit, announcing the beginning of the battles. The comentator's voice echoed at the stadium.

"Look at that, the Knights of the Zodiac, Stacey!"
"Are we going to see jousts between them, will there be a horse and everything, Adam?" the two laughed together.
"I think it's just for effect, Stacey" said the commentator.
"And how wonderful is Saori, right?"
"What about that purple hair?"
"Oh, Adam, I'm screwed at home because my daughter will definitely want it."
"I'm already seeing a lot of people who dyed their hair in the audience, I think you're right, you will have a problem at home."
"But enough talking, Adam, we're about to start the first fight of the Tournament!"
"That's right Stacey, Welcome everyone to the Galaxian Wars!"

The crowd responded in unison.

"Before we begin, a minute of your attention, ladies and gentleman. Before the battle begins, let's get to the rules! This is a best of three round knockout series and whoever wins two rounds first, moves on to the next phase! Whoever is knocked out for 10 seconds, the computer will consider that as a Defeat. And pay close attention to the big screens so you don't miss any of the action! Remembering, of course, that in the end, whoever wins the Tournament will be the owner of the Gold Armor!"

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