Chapter Sixty-Nine: Can I Have This Dance

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There had been a lot of practice when it came to dancing the opening dance. None of them really liked to dance but were quite good at it once they practiced enough. Plus, it was not a very hard dance since it was like a mix between a waltz and a quickstep.  The five champions all danced with their partners. The dance floor was all theirs, so there was no worry about accidentally bumping into anyone since the champions were all equally spaced away from each other.

The dance lasted a few minutes, being very beautiful. Harry had switched to dancing with George halfway through the dance. The three dates wanted to all be equally with each other during their time there. After the opening dance, they wanted to each spend an equal number of songs with Harry for dancing.

Once the dance was finished, the other students all clapped for them as they took small bows. Melody's magical instruments vanished with the end of the song. While they looked annoyed, the Weird Sisters got back onto the stage, ready to provide the music for the rest of the night like they had been asked to.

More couples and dates all joined the champions on the dance floor as they all got ready to start dancing as well. To most wizards in magical Britain, the Weird Sisters was one of the most popular bands around. The only other magical musical act that was even close to being as popular as them was Celestina Warbeck, also known as the Singing Sorceress. The trio had never heard of either her or the Weird Sisters, but they certainly did not think that they would like them any more than they liked anything else about magical Britain.

Harry happily was about to dance with Fred again before going back to George for the next song. He cared about them both so much and he certainly did not want to ever even appear to favor one over the other. He liked them both equally and they certainly liked him back just as much. 

Cedric and Krinos had still not let go of each other's hands even when the opening dance had finished. It was very obvious that the two were very much done with dancing around each other with their respective crushes on one another. They were together now and nothing was really going to change that. Not even the Chinese Ravenclaw seeker that was currently glaring at the two because she was the one that wanted to be on Cedric's arm.

Melody, Blaise, Neville, and Luna were certainly also glad to be able to finally also get on the dance floor as well. They all liked that this was not a Christmas Ball but a Yule Ball. Meaning that it was not an attempt by anyone to have them celebrate a mundane holiday when they celebrated Yule since they were magical beings, not mundane. A detail about the ball that they were sure would get the Gryffindor Harpy yelling again once she figures it out.

They already noticed that she was glaring at Viktor and T'challa. Something told them that she wanted Viktor to go with her so that she could use his popularity to finally make people listen to her. But it failed before she could even try anything. Viktor and T'challa were dancing around each other long before either met her. And it was a good thing she had never been able to get near enough to Viktor to try and get him as her date because T'challa would have ripped her to shreds. Literally and figuratively.

So many other joined the champions on the dance floor as well. That was when Weird Sisters actually started to play their instruments and sing. And then instantly, everyone at Crystal Rose, Drumstrang, and Beauxbatons all covered their ears. 

It was like the worst versions of hard rock, death metal, and hair metal all rolled up into one horrible-sounding package. It was too loud, the lyrics could not be understood at all, and the band itself looked to almost be screaming into their microphones. It was definitely insulting to Melody, who usually liked all music since that was her magic since this did not sound like music at all to her.

"Who in their right mind would actually like these guys," Krinos asked Cedric over the noise that dared to masquerade as music.

"I honestly don't know," Cedric admitted. "My dad likes them, but my mom always turns off the radio when he puts them on."

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