One Hundred and Seventeen

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Recommended by Angelica_Schuyler78

Alexander lead me to a remote bar at the edge of town. The perfect spot when neither of us wanted to be seen.

We walked in and I was hit with the stench of stale alcohol and sweat. Alexander laughed at my crinkled face and lead me to the counter. "Two whiskies please." He said to the tender.

I pulled at his coat sleeve and he looked to me. "I'm not exactly the best when it comes to alcohol." I whispered. He chuckled and nodded. "I'll tell the bar tender to keep it to a minimum." He promised.

Just in time, two short glasses filled with an amber drink slid to us.

I immediately took a large drink, Alexander giving me a charming smile. "Let's see exactly how much of a light-weight you are." He mused before downing his entire glass.

* *

We were at the bar for two and a half hours. Of course, Alexander didn't tell the bar tender to cut me off. Instead, we ordered drink after drink until we were singing with the crowd.

"YANKEE DOODLE DANDY!" I shouted, laughing uncontrollably with Alexander. He hiccuped and nodded.

"You are an wonderful music...talker...?" He stammered, looking for the words. I shrugged and downed a quick drink. "We need to get me hommmeee, Allie!" I said loudly. He nodded and he hopped off our stools.

We staggered out of the bar, the sun almost set. I giggled uncontrollably and Alexander shushed me. "We have to take a secret way! Follow me!" He said in a loud whisper. I nodded and tiptoed after him.

I suddenly went into a hiccuping and sneezing frenzy, stopped in my tracks.

With every sneeze, Alexander chimed in a bubbly "Bless you."

I giggled and nodded. "Alright, let's us goes." I said. He nodded and continued walking. We zig zagged around buildings when we soon enough reached the gates of my residence.

We slowly went inside before running up the path and into the house.

Inside was dark and I giggled. "You gotta goooo!" I whispered, pushing Alexander out the door. I locked it and laughed.

I staggered up the stairs before someone grabbed me, clamping a hand over my mouth. I kicked and screamed as they dragged me into Elizabeth's room.

I hadn't been here in a while and was surprised to find most of her stuff gone. Then I remembered she was moving in with Alexander soon.

The person shut the door behind us and let me go.

I whirled around, hands raised sloppily to fight. A candle lit and I found myself staring down a brunette in a blue dress. "Lizzyyyyy!!" I giggled.

She scowled and forced me to sit on the bed. "Are you drunk, Y/N?" She asked scornfully, simultaneously looking over me for injury.

I shushed her. "You can't tell mooooom or daaaaad!" I said in a pout. She groaned and rubbed her temples. "Just tell me what happened, okay?"

I nodded and cleared my throat.

"Well, I woke up this morning all tired as usual," She shook her head. "No no no, start just before you got drunk." I tapped my temple and nodded.

"Okay okay. So, I was shopping for clothes because I planned to go undercover as a spy. Oh crap, I shouldn't have told you that. Oh well," She rolled her eyes.

"Then guess who found me! Alexander!" She raised an eyebrow. "And he pulled me into an alleyway and told me to tell him my plan. But he caught me from falling and said I should thank him, so I did!"

I leaned in and she did too. "With a kiss!"

She gasped and stood up, her eyes already filling with water. "You did what!" She shouted. I shrugged. "It's not like it was the first time!"

She put a hand over her mouth, slapping me with the other. "Hey!" I slurred. "Why are you upset with me! Talk to Angie!!"

She wiped her tears and stormed out the door, fist clenched and steps heavy.

I would've gone after her had I not passed out the second she slammed the door.

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