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The nurse walked in as I finished my story. She had several bandages in her hands. Under her arm, she had a bottle of rum. She set everything down carefully. "This will sting but don't move." She said as she covered a nearby cloth in rum.

She put the cloth to my head wound and I hissed, recoiling a bit. "Easy, I said it will sting." She warned. I frowned, hissing again as she tapped the wound.

She cleaned up all of my spilt blood with ease, amazing due to my recoiling and protest. We all watched as she grabbed some bandages and I lifted my head. She wrapped the bandage around my head and secured it.

"You did wonderful." She said, and I knew she wasn't just talking about the wound clean up. I gave her a grateful smile and she handed me the rum teasingly. I smirked and took a swig before handing it back.

She chuckled and left the room, shutting the door behind her. I sat up a bit and looked to my sister and beau. "Today was quite the day." I joked, lighting up the room. They laughed wryly as the door burst open again.

Father, mother, Elizabeth, Margarita, Alexander, John, Jeremiah, Rensselaer, Monsieur Lafayette, John Laurens (we callin him Laurens), General Washington, and Parke rushed in, filling the room.

I looked past them to find Aaron Burr speaking with a doctor and a soldier. How many people did I bring?

"Are you okay?" "Is everything alright?" "Did you catch the bastards name?" "Who do I have to kill?" "What happened?" "You did amazing!" "That is going to look cool when it heals!" "We should've never left you!"

It was overwhelming! "Guys." I said softly a bit. They didn't hear and the questions kept coming. "Guys!" I said louder. No response. "Everyone!!!" Margarita shouted.

Everyone shut up. I gave my sister a grateful look. "Thank you." I said. She did a slight curtesy, making me laugh. I turned my attention back to the crowd.

"Listen, I am fine. A bit shaken, but fine. No, Alexander, I didn't catch their names. John, my brother I mean, this isn't your fault. I told you to leave me and you did."

John gave me a guilty look. I faced Alexander and his two friends. Alexander was translating when I said to Monsieur Lafayette. He knows French, interesting. "I do remember features but that's it. If you want justice, win this war and get them out of our country." I said sternly. The three of them smiled and nodded.

My father made his way to my side and C/N let go of my hand for father to take. He kissed it lovingly and placed it on his forehead. "I am so sorry." He whispered as a tear fell from his face. Father never cries!

"I'm okay father, I'm in one piece and they never did anything." I said softly. He kissed my hand again. "I will show those fuckers and give them what they deserve." He whispered his promise. Everyone choked at his severe language.

Father glared at my siblings. "Use language like that and you will be in deep trouble." He warned. They nodded in understanding, even those that aren't in the family.

He faced me again and sighed. "You were so brave." He whispered so only I could hear. The door opened and we heard a gasp. We turned to find two nurses standing there.

One counted everyone in here, counting me as well, and said, "Dear God. 16." I didn't notice Aaron enter the room. The other nurse pointed out the door. "Too many. One at a time." She snapped. They all groaned and left, only Angelica staying.

She held my hand and I looked into her dark eyes. "Oh Y/N, I can't imagine what would've happened if you didn't knock down that lantern." She said softly, a tear sliding down her cheek. I would either be violated or dead.

"Well that didn't happen. I'm okay Angelica." I said softly.

I wasn't okay. I thought I was going to die. I thought I would be safe when I kicked the lantern over but that did more damage to me than the soldiers did. I refuse to imagine what would've happened it I didn't have my extra knot. What they would've done.

Angelica gave my hand a small squeeze. "Don't worry, I'll be out soon. Then I'll help with preparation for the wedding so you all don't have to take the bulk." I promised. She scoffed and I gave her a confused/offended look.

"Y/N, we can handle it! I should be telling you not to worry!." She said with a laugh. "But," She held up her free hand. "Y/N, there are sixteen of us. We can handle it." She said soothingly. I sighed in defeat and nodded. She kissed my cheek before letting go of my hand. "I'll send Elizabeth in." She said before leaving.

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