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Talking with Mr.C/L/N about how 'we' will both miss C/N was difficult and tear filled.

I offered to have him over for dinner, but he waved me off. "No no, I couldn't. I have to maintain the shop and close up." He said. I nodded and kissed his cheeks. "If you ever need anything, just tell me. Okay?" He gave me a small smile and nodded once.

"Good day." I said before leaving. Everyone had showed up earlier, but quickly left when I told them I needed to talk to Mr.C/L/N alone.

I brushed my hair over my shoulders and walked through town, people staring.

Most men glared at me for breaking the status quo, while others dipped their chin in respect. Every woman on the other hand gave me prideful looks and stood up straighter.

"You're back!" A familiar voice shouted. I turned on my heel to find Isabella and Matthew jogging towards me, rings on their fingers. "Isabella! Matthew!" I said excitedly when they reached me. I hugged Isabella and she smiled brightly.

She looked me over and laughed. "You have grown muscle! And you're more lean!" She complimented. I waved it off. "Happens when someone is on and off the ocean for a month." I mused.

She giggled and let a hand drift to her stomach. "Two months now." She said. I gasped and looked between them. Matthew had the biggest smile on his face.

"Wonderful!" I said as my eyes drifted to her stomach. "Tell me everything! Is C/N back?" She asked as the three of us sat on a bench.

I sighed and shook my head. "To make a long story short, I sailed the seas, stopped at a small city before going to Boston. Then I found that C/N was...." I looked away. "Dead. He's dead."

She gasped and put a hand to her mouth, Matthew dipping his head. I nodded. "So I came home. Arrived this morning." I said. Isabella placed her hand on mine. "If you need anything, we're here." She said. I nodded. "Thank you."

I sighed and stood. "I have to be back." I said as they stood. "Promise to stay in contact?" Matthew said. I nodded. "Promise."

Isabella leaned forward and kissed my cheek. "Bye." She said before linking arms with Matthew and leaving.

I sighed and turned around, heading for home.

"Watch out!" Someone shouted. I suddenly reached my hand out in the direction of the voice, closing my hand around a circular object.

I turned my head to find my hand closed around a small ball that was hit towards me.

Four boys were staring at me, wide eyed. I blinked and tossed it back. I didn't even realize I had moved. My reflexes kicked in and it just happened. "Nice hit." I said before walking again.

I finally reached my house and walked inside. Everyone looked to me and I gave them a small wave. "I saw Isabella, Ren." I said, making him blush.

I chuckled and looked at the crowd. Alexander and Laurens were chatting with Elizabeth, Margarita, and Angelica, Amanda was talking with Monsieur Lafayette, the boys were talking with Washington and father, and the two young girls were watching while mother stitched one of father's tunics.

"Lunch anyone?" I asked. "I can get it." Margarita said. I shook my head. "I'll get it." I offered, needing some form of normalcy. "Can I help?" She asked. I chuckled and nodded. "Sure."

She gave me a smile before following me into the kitchen.

"Is she back?" Someone whispered. "I heard her voice." Another answered. "And her name!" A younger voice chimed. I looked to my sister, who just smiled brighter.

I walked into the kitchen and gasped.

Abagail, Mary, Jacob, and Isaac were whispering by the cabinets, stopping when I made a sound.

"I told you!" Isaac said before running to me. I laughed and picked him up. "Hi." I said, messing up his dark hair. He giggled and poked my nose.

I faced his mother, uncle, and grandmother. "You're safe." Abagail said, cupping my cheek in a motherly way. "I'm back." I said quietly.

They all looked behind me and I turned. Alana, my personal slave, was standing there. "Alana!" I said, hugging her. She hugged me back and sighed a sigh or relief. "Thank God you are safe! I prayed for you every day!" She said as we let go.

"Your prayers worked." I said as I ignored the slight burn my cuts created due to the over-activeness.

"You rest. You've only be back a few hours! We'll make lunch." Jacob said. I could tell there was no arguing, so I nodded. "You know everyone's orders?" I asked, having memorized them. Mary chuckled. "Y/N, we have been working for your family for our entire lives. We know what you all like to eat."

I chuckled and nodded. "Alright. It was wonderful seeing you all again." I said. I left the kitchen and heard Alana following. I sighed and motioned for her to walk beside me.

She jogged up and gave me an innocent smile. "You already know what I'm going to say." I said as we walked up the stairs. "And you already know my response." She countered. I chuckled and opened my room, letting us inside. She shut the door after her.

"Have any tales from your travels?" She asked. I chuckled and nodded. "Quite a few."

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