One Hundred and Fourteen

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"What do you mean 'women can't contribute to the war'?!"

Father was being outrageous! Five minutes ago, I burst into his study filled with motivation! I told him I wanted to help with the war; be a spy, soldier, sailer, anything! And he had the audacity to be sexist.

He slammed his hands on his desk. "I've told you twice now, Y/F/N Schuyler! A war is a man's burden! The women stay home and are a reason for the men to live!"

I scoffed and threw my hands in the air. "Are you fricking kidding me?!" His eyes widened but soon narrowed in a glare.

"I fought with and for you! I was tortured, father! I know how to fight! How to hide and keep secrets! It's kinda in the job description of being a rich general's daughter!"

He made a frustrated noise. "You weren't even supposed to be on that damned ship in the first place! If you weren't some lovesick little girl, you would've lived a normal lady life!" He challenged. I crossed my arms.

"I am not a lovesick little girl! And I don't want a normal lady life!"

He raised a finger at me. "I will not have my daughter go into war!" He shouted aggressively.

I took a step towards him and looked up at him. "You seemed pretty damned happy to when I was saving your arse!" I shouted back, not backing down.

He looked at me like I distorted into a monster. "You will not use that language with me! And it wasn't my decision! This is!"

"No, it's not! It's General Washington's decision! I just asked you to be polite, but not anymore!" I turned sharply on my heel and headed for the door.


I grabbed the knob just as father grabbed my arm, slightly get forcefully pulling me back.

I staggered but caught my balance. "What! You want to try to strip my freedom away some more! Huh!"

He stepped between the door and I. "I'm not letting you make the same mistake you did with C/N!"

I scoffed. "Im not, father! That was useless! I'm doing something helpful! I'm helping your cause!" I argued, my glare turning to daggers.

He crossed his arms and widened his stance. "You're not leaving this study until you swear you won't ask the general." He stated. Oh I see how it is.

I got into my own battle stance. "Oh yeah?" I looked up and down his figure. Twice my weight and a half a foot taller. I've fought worse. I met his stare as I said, "Try and stop me."

I stepped to my left before darting right, going the opposite side of his desk. Father ran after me until both of us were on opposite desk sides.

I looked around a bit for a distraction or harmless weapon. I found a jar of biscuits and smirked.

I swiftly grabbed it before throwing the biscuits at father. He staggered back, swatting the crumbs from his face. I took the chance and bolted for the door.

Just as my fingers scraped the cool metal of the doorknob, a firm hand gripped my waist and yanked me backwards, causing me to fall flat on my front. I scowled and jumped back up. Father had returned to his spot, a victorious grin on his smug face.

"I said no. Now promise." He demanded, his expression serious again. I rolled my eyes. "And I said yes. Again."

I grabbed my sleeve at my shoulder and slowly started to remove it from my shoulder.

My father immediately looked away, his respect overtaking. I laughed and faked a step again, except the opposite way. I twisted around father and grabbed the knob, turning it.

I could sense father behind me, so I ducked down, his hand smashing against the door.

"Ouch! Oh god be damned!" He shouted. I stuck my tongue at him before opening the door. "If you need me, I'll be at General Washington's house. Bye!"

I shut the door behind me and pranced downstairs, only to find everyone staring at me.

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Everyone looked away uncomfortably and I rolled my eyes. I slowly walked over to my siblings, each of them avoiding my gaze.

When I landed on Catharine, I crouched down and she actually looked at me.

"Caty," I started. She blinked up at me innocently. "Why was everyone staring at me?" I asked slowly.

She fidgeted with her hands and looked away. "Caty," I said warningly. She sighed and frowned. "We heard you at daddy arguenessing," she said slowly.

Everyone groaned in defeat as I nodded. "Thank you."

I stood up and crossed my arms, shaking my head at my siblings. "I'll deal with that later. I've got to get to General Washington's house." I said, heading for the door.

"Why are you going to his house?" Rensselaer asked. It was quickly followed by one of his elder brothers shushing him.

"To talk about adult things." I slipped on my gloves as I answered him.

Before they could ask anymore questions, I left the house.

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