One Hundred and Three

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✌️ Hey my lovelies. Today's been wack. Went swimming with my BFF/squish (shhhhh) and dyed some of my hair blue :) and now I'm on a power writing mood so here I go, let's see how many chaps I can knock out before I crash.

"Y/N, get up."

My eyes blinked open and I looked around.
C/N was standing above me, a bright smile on his face. I screamed and jumped back, sliding on my bed covers.

"Hey hey, what's wrong? A night scare? Don't worry Y/N, I'm right here." He said soothingly. He placed his hand on mine and I shrunk back. "What was it about?" He asked.

I swallowed. "This isn't you. You hurt me. You tortured me!" I screamed, fending him off. "Hey, stop." He said sternly. I froze.

"That was a silly dream. It didn't happen." He said calmly. My chest heaved up and down as I contemplated his words. Maybe he was right. I mean, I just woke up and he was here and not in Boston.

I pulled up my night skirts to my knees and found no cuts. Maybe it was a dream.

There was a knock at the door and I faced it. "No." C/N said, no compassion in his voice. I gave him a strange look. "Why? It's probably John or one of my sisters." I said. He shook his head. "No!"

I flinched away and felt a sting. I looked to my legs to find bleeding cuts littering them. The person at the door pounded it with their fist and C/N screamed, "NO!"

I retreated. "NO NO NO!!" He started to throw things at the door and I screamed. "HELP!!" The door burst open and-

"Y/N, wake up!"

I jolted up with a blood curling scream.

"She's up!" A familiar, calming voice shouted. I looked over, pale faced and wide eyed. Margarita was dabbing my forehead frantically with a damp towel. "I'm right here, Y/N. It's me, Peggy." She said calmingly.

I breathed unevenly as I nodded. Footsteps thundered as three people appeared in my doorway; Angelica, Elizabeth, and John.

"Y/N!" They all said in unison. They marched in and lined the side of my bed. "Hi." I rasped.

I rubbed my eyes and gasped a bit. I didn't feel any pain! I tossed my bedcovers aside looked at my legs. John politely turned his back to me and shifted on his feet.

To my utter surprise, almost all of my cuts faded, though a decent amount scarred. "What?! How?!" I asked, looking to Margarita. She gave me a small smile. "After you fainted, the boys got the nurses."

"They put some salves on and wrapped your limbs. They said it was a miracle the infection didn't kill you!" I blanched but she continued.

"Alexander brought you up here before they all left. You've been asleep for a few hours. It's midnight." I pressed my hand over my mouth. "Midnight?!"

John cleared his throat and I chuckled. Elizabeth tossed the sheets back over my legs and Angelica turned him around. I gave him a wide grin and he tipped his imaginary hat to me. I chuckled and he smiled.

"I heard screaming." Someone breathed in the doorway. We all looked over.

Mother was standing there in a satin pink robe, smoothing her hair down. "Hello mother." I said. She gave me a relieved look and stepped inside. "You gave me quite the scare, Y/N."

I gave a wry laugh. "Scared myself." I mused. She clicked her tongue. "Infection is a nasty business." She said. I nodded. "Don't have to tell me twice."

She huffed a laugh. "Well, we'll let you rest. Come now children." She said.

Margarita picked up the towel and bowl before following mother out, Angelica and Elizabeth following. "Coming, John?" Elizabeth asked. John waved her off and she nodded, shutting the door after her.

I sat up more and patted the bed beside me. "Sit with me, John?" I asked. He nodded and crawled over the covers and sat beside me.

"You alright?" I asked. He shook his head. "No, and I know for sure you aren't. What was your night scare about?" He asked kindly, meeting my stare. His dark eyes reflected concern and worry for my well-being.

I sighed and looked away. "C/N manipulating me. Convinced me him hurting me was a dream. Then he lashed out and started wrecking things."

I saw John ball his hands into fists. "It's fine, John. It was just a dream." I whispered soothingly. He swallowed and nodded, relaxing a bit. I gave him a small smile.

"I can't imagine what you must've been thinking when I collapsed." I said, looking away shamefully. I must've nearly given him a heart attack! The poor kid is just a softy!

He merely shook his head. "Doesn't matter. I couldn't imagine what you went through." He said quietly, worriedly.

I waved off the sentiment. "Like you said, doesn't matter."

He shook his head. "But it does matter, Y/N! You could've died! You should've let us help you sooner!" He scolded. I flinched away a bit and his eyes widened. "Oh Y/N, I'm sorry!" He said pleadingly.

"It's alright, John. I'm fine." I said quietly. He shook his head. "God above, I'm so stupid!" He breathed, sliding off my bed. "John, it's alright. You just startled me!"

He shook his head. "I'm so sorry, Y/N." He said. I sighed, knowing his self-doubt got the best of him. "Alright. I forgive you." I said. He nodded. "Good night, get good rest." He said before leaving.

My door clicked shut and I laid back down. Instantly, I was asleep.

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