One Hundred and Thirteen

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"He's BACK?!" Everyone, except father and I, shouted.

I blinked and cringed from my spot on the sofa. "Yeah. And he says that the British made him do everything he did, or that they would've killed him, me, you all, and his father."

They all paled and Catharine started crying. She gobbled over to me and I picked her up, sitting her atop my lap.

"Hey, it's alright Caty! No ones going to hurt you! Not while I'm here to help." I said soothingly. She sniffled and buried her face in the crook of my shoulder. I looked to my family. "The same goes for you all."

Rensselaer swallowed. "But aren't they after you? Don't you attract danger?"

John gasped and elbowed him. "Shut it." He hissed to his little brother. They glared at each other before I cleared my throat.

"Yes. They are after me. But they are also after you guys, and I know their tactics. Father and I both do. I hate to say it, but we practically the only help you have."

Father looked at me like I had gone mad. "Are you crazy?! Telling them they are doomed!" He harshly whispered to me. I waved him off. "It's better they are cautious than dead." I whispered back.

He shuddered but ended the conversation. I looked to my family. "So yes. C/N is back and proclaiming innocence. So far, he seems to be speaking true. But we have to wait for some time in order to fully trust his words." I recapped.

I would never be able to trust C/N again. Even if it was for my sake, I would've rather died fighting British armies than to have died fighting him.

And the fact he thinks I'm still madly in love with him. That was destroyed the second he entered my cell. And if he learns more about Alexander and I, he'll go after Alexander. I sighed and held my head in my heads, the heels of my palms pressed against my eyes. So much drama!

I still remember his first words to me when he entered my cell.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

The words held so much emotion. He said them with so much emotion! Regret, hate, desperation.

I shook my head and lowered my hands. "I'm going for a walk." I said, standing. "Wait." Mother said. I paused and looked at her. She looked between father and I. "Where are you hiding him?"

I chuckled lightly and shook my head. "Can't tell you, sorry." I said before leaving, silently shutting the door after me.

* *

So apparently walking around town with dried blood on your skirts is not ideal.

After the blood had dried, it was very visible on my skirts. After finally noticing everyone's stares, I scowled and went into Isabella's shop.

"Hello! Izzy?" I said into the shop, the employees taking cautious looks at my dress and slightly disheveled state. "Is that you, Y/N!" Isabella's voice rang from the back.

I smiled and went to the counter. "Indeed! Where are you?"

I heard some footsteps before Isabella appeared, dress in hand. One of my dresses! I raised an eyebrow. "Who's this for?" I asked defensively. I was the only woman that would wear red in town!

She shoved it into my arms. "Here you go!" She said with a bright smile. I blinked and gawked. "For me?!"

She nodded and stepped back. "Give it a gander!" She said. Slowly, I unraveled the dress and held it out for me to look.

My breath was immediately taken away. Every piece of fabric was a different shade of red, getting lighter as they reached up my body. Gold and silver thread accented it fabric, making it shine in the candle light.

I looked to Isabella, who was anxiously waiting to hear my opinion. Our eyes connected and I felt tears prickle mine.

"What? What's wrong? Did I miss a stitch?" She asked, rushing over to check the dress. I interrupted her useless fussing by wrapping my arms around her, resting my chin on her shoulder.

She immediately hugged back and I sniffled a bit. "It's gorgeous." I said quietly. She gave me a small squeeze before letting go, her hands lingering on my shoulders.

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and draped the gown over my forearm. "Mind if I change into it in the fitting room? I have someone on my dress." I said, pointing to my sleeves and skirts. Isabella's eyes widened before she nodded. I thanked her before rushing to the back room.

I quickly stripped and tossed the messy gown over the door before getting into my new one. It was easy to put on and even had ties for my extra knot!

I felt a knot in my stomach as I faltered.

Those men had come to kill me. If my family was home, they would have killed them as well.  The ruthless brutes that call themselves redcoats were haunting us citizens and I have had enough!

I needed to find a way to stop this war. We need tactics and I need to see the battle grounds.

I left the room and headed for the front. I faced the counter and gave Isabella a weary smile. "Thank you so much for the dress! I'll have my father pay you." I said. She waved me off. "No charge."

I laughed. "Yeah, like that's going to happen! Have a good day Izzy!" I said before rushing out of the shop.

I headed for home at a fast walking pace. I needed to speak to father.

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