One Hundred and Seven

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I saw the comments and they are all ON POINT Y'ALL SO CREATIVE OMG
So the first one I am incorporating is from @mj_michellejones

I didn't want to make a scene, so I grabbed Alexander's wrist, knowing he was reaching for his sword. "Don't." I whispered.

C/N looked around and stepped for me, grasping my own wrist. I heard Alexander stiffen behind me as I flinched away. His grip didn't falter.

"Follow me and don't shout, signal, or do anything that will have people follow us. They don't even know I'm here." His C/E/C eyes flicked to Alexander. "And your dog has to stay." I swallowed.

Whoever this mysterious they was, C/N seemed to fear them. I slowly nodded, my heart racing and eyes scanning the crowd. No one was paying us any heed, so I nodded again. "Alright."

"Y/N!" Alexander whispered aggressively. I turned to face him, C/N not letting my wrist go.

Alexander shook his head. "He's going to kill you the second he can. You can't seriously be agreeing to this." He harshly whispered under his breath.

I nodded. "I am. I don't have a choice." Fear flooded in his gorgeous eyes as I kissed his cheek. "Tell my family is was redcoats. Tell them I love them. Tell Isabella I would've been honored to be her child's godmother." He swallowed and nodded.

I needed to get it all out because I knew the second I stepped outside those doors, I was dead. I didn't have a weapon to defend myself this time.

"And Alexander," He met my stare. "I love you." I said in my quietest voice. I didn't want to see if he heard, so I let go of his wrist and faced C/N. "Be quick. I don't want my family to see me leaving." I said, summoning all of the courage I could muster.

He nodded and started pulling me towards the doorway, steps quick and casual. I forced myself to keep up, carefully dodging people and keeping my head down.

We reached outside when C/N tugged me into an alley.

I back up a few good paces and held my hands up casually. "I don't have a weapon this time, so I can't beat you again." I said, the words just flowing out. He glared at me and drew his sword.

I shut my eyes and folded my hands behind my back.

A single tear fell my each of my eyes as I awaited my death. My mind flowed to everything I would miss.

The girls growing up, my elder sisters marrying. Elizabeth and Alexander having children, Isabella's kid coming into this world. I would miss Rensselaer getting a beau, Jeremiah growing up to be the spitting image of our father, and John starting his family.

Death brings mysterious things. Grief, peace, remembrance, gratitude. The morning seemed calmer now that I knew it was my last.

I heard the familiar sound of metal clattering to the ground and my eyes instinctively opened.

The sword C/N was once holding was now on the floor in front of me, C/N himself now with his own hands raised. "I never said I was going to kill you." He said, voice breaking.

I immediately picked up the sword, fearing he had a second.

"You have thirty seconds." I said, using my free hand to wipe my tears. I aimed the sword at his chest and took a steady breath.

"A lot happened at the docks." He started off. "No shit." I snapped back. His eyes widened at my language but didn't say anything. Instead, he went on with his explanation.

"They took me. They knocked me unconscious and when I woke up, I was in a small town near Boston." Where I was captured.

"They told me that if I didn't give information, they'd kill me, you, and our families. I started off with fake information. I made up random travel routes for fleets and militias."

"Everything was going fine until you showed. Then they wanted information from both of us."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I had no idea what you went through to get to me, and still don't, but I knew you would fight back. I saw you untying your ropes and waited."

"They forced me to watch your torture. They forced me to go in and end you. If I refused, they would torture you, me, and whoever else came to find us."

Fear spike through me at his confession. Was it even real? Or was it a facade to regain my trust?

At my hesitation to speak, he said more.

"I understand your hesitation to believe me, I wouldn't believe me."

He paused, jealousy filling his eyes. "And when I escaped, I made it back here. I knew you would be at the ball, so I went looking. When I saw you dancing with that stranger, I waited for the song to end." He saw me dancing with Harry! Now Harry's in danger! What have I done!?

"Then I saw you with Alexander. The intimacy you have with him I could recognize from a mile away. You were once like that with me."

I forced my gaze ahead as shame and embarrassment filled me. I willed my voice to steadiness as I spoke, "And you were once a decent man. Things change, C/N."

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