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After dressing in more comfortable men's clothes, since they were easier to move in, there was a knock on the barracks door. I immediately knew who it was, so I opened it.

"Alexander." I said as I let him in. He stepped inside and shut the door behind him. Immediately, he hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head against his chest.

His heart was thundering like twenty horses in a speed race. Thump da-thump da-thump. Over and over again.

After a few silent moments, we leaned apart, but still in each other's arms. He rested his forehead against mine. "You could've died." He whispered, his warm breath tickling my face.

I nodded barely. "But I didn't. I stayed strong for you." I whispered back. He swallowed roughly.

I suddenly felt our hearts beat in unison. One heart for the both of us. I shut my eyes and brought my lips to his.

Immediately, Alexander was kissing back. I slowly removed my hands from his neck, not breaking the kiss, and cupped his cheeks, finding a soft and new stubble. I hummed into the kiss and felt him smile.

I drew my lips away and opened my eyes. His own fluttered open and he smiled. "I've been waiting for a second for too long." He mused. I chuckled and ran my hands over his stubble.

"This is new." I said tauntingly. He grinned. "You like it?" I laughed and shrugged. "I don't mind a little stubble. Elizabeth, though."

Bam! Guilt cannon straight to the heart. I faltered and blinked. "Wait," he winced and stepped back. "Why aren't you at home with my sister? Aren't you married now?!" I asked, crossing my arms.

He kept quiet and rubbed his forearm guiltily. "Alexander, why aren't you at home." I stated more than asked. He sighed in defeat. "I did go home. We made it. Elizabeth and I got married, but I had to leave that night because of the war. That's why I'm here now."

I gasped and stepped back more. "You just left your wife?!" I said accusingly. He winced again at my tone. "We will be back tomorrow at noon!" He defended.

I frowned and uncrossed my arms, them going slack at my sides.

Alexander took his hand in mine and I sighed. "The world is a messed up place, Y/N." He said calmly. I nodded. It truly was.

"When you told me what they did to you," He paused and I looked up at him. He was looking down at the floor, shuffling his feet. His free hand was clenched into a fist. I squeezed his hand gently and he looked back up at me.

He took a shaky breath. "I have never wanted to hurt someone more." He admitted.

My heart thundered in my chest. I leaned in and softly kissed him. When I removed my lips, I sighed softly. "I was so scared you didn't make it home." I whispered back.

He chuckled a bit and wrapped his arms around my body and kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back.

Even though my cuts and scars stung from him holding me, it was all secondary. The most important thing was Alexander's lips on mine.

There was a knock at the door and I tore away. Way to ruin a moment. Alexander peeked outside before turning back to me. "It's Amanda." He whispered. I winced and grabbed his hand. I pointed under the bed and he silently obeyed.

I slowly walked back to the door and opened it, welcoming the sunlight. Amanda giggled and dragged me back inside the barracks, shutting the door. Déjà vu much?

Amanda brushed some loosed strands of her dark hair, giggling again. Was she drunk?

"Monsieur Lafayette is quite the stunning man." She said, cheeks flushing. Oh, that's what's going on. I chuckled and nodded. She looked away in embarrassment. "Can you tell me a bit about him?" She asked quietly. I grinned and linked our arms. "Of course!"

I gave Alexander a small nod before leaving the barracks with Amanda.

"So he's very self-conscious. He's a bit clumsy as well, but that's when he gets nervous." I explained quietly, careful of the men around. She nodded a bit.

"As far as I know, he isn't aquatinted with anyone." She blushed. "He is trying his best to learn English and is doing quite well. He is trying to convince his country to send more assistance for the war."

I looked around to find Monsieur Lafayette helping John Laurens fix the main sail. Laurens had said something that made Monsieur Lafayette laugh. I pointed to him and Amanda looked up.

She smiled and blushed even more. Monsieur Lafayette looked out way and waved. I nudged Amanda and she quickly waved back.

I laughed and faced Amanda again. She was still looking at the Frenchman. I chuckled and nudged her to look away. "Staring is creepy, Amanda." I warned jokingly.

I looked between the two people and grinned widely. If they got together, it would be amazing! I looked devishly at Amanda. New mission has been set: get Amanda and Lafayette together!

Shy From The Spotlight - Alexander Hamilton x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu