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Alexander POV

I looked at her, worry in my eyes. "Wh-What?" I asked. She shook her head and wiped tears away. "Let Amanda go." She pleaded. I nodded and looked to the soldier holding the girl. He immediately let her go and she ran for Y/N, hugging her.

The girls separated and looked to me. "C-Can I collect myself a-and then ex-explain?" She asked. I nodded. "Of course." I said softly. She nodded and walked away, Amanda in tail.

I turned and faced Schuyler, who was pale. "She's not okay." We said in unison.

* *

We all sat down to listen to Y/N explain her story. She looked frail, thin. She had a slight limp that she didn't seem to notice. My eyes were scanning her small figure.

Only her hands and ankles were showing, besides her neck and head. I saw some red marks and narrowed my eyes. What were they? Rope burns from the ship? Just some irritated skin? I shook my head and focused on Y/N again.

"So you all know about how I was traveling the seas to save C/N." She said in a near-whisper. We all nodded, and that's when I noticed something wrong. C/N wasn't here. What had happened? Oh god, was he dead?

Y/N took an unsteady breath and Amanda laid her hand over her's. "I was captured." Together, Lafayette, Laurens, Schuyler, Washington, and I shot up to a stand, ready to fight whoever hurt her.

"Sit down." Amanda commanded, protectiveness in her voice. We all obeyed the command and Y/N continued.

"They found out who I was." Oh no. My breathing stopped as fear settled in. If they laid a hand on her, they all will pay. Y/N wiped a tear. "I was tortured for two days." My heart dropped.

The blood in my ears pounded as my vision reddened. Dead. They will all be dead! "Cut and threatened. I begged for death."

I was about to say something when I felt Laurens grab my wrist. I looked to find him shaking his head. "Soon, Alex." He whispered. My pulse calmed a bit and I nodded. I faced
Y/N again.

"Th-Then someone else came in." Great. More bodies. "C/N."

Every took a sharp breath and I fumed. She had loved him! Had been willing to die for him, and he tortured her?! If I ever see him again, I'll return the favor.

"Shit." I said a bit to loudly. Lafayette elbowed me and I winced.

Y/N continued the awful news. "He is a traitor to the patriot cause. He accepted a bribe and wrote a warning to the king. He oversaw my torture." Oh the things I will do to him just for making Y/N cry alone.

"That son of a-" Laurens shoved me and I closed my mouth. If it wasn't for him and Lafayette, I'd already be swimming back to hunt that bastard down.

"He taunted me and was about to kill me when I got free." She freed herself? Against the former love of her life?! That's my girl!

We all stood up in anticipation. All except the crew we captured recently. I glared at them all for the lack of respect. "We wrestled and I held him at sword point."

My heart thundered in pride for the strength Y/N showed. "I used him as a shield before running. That's when I found Amanda." I felt a tear slide down my cheek. Tactical beauty! She's smarter and far more brilliant that most of the men here!

Y/N's stare met mine and I quickly wiped my tear away. She wiped her own tears and looked to Schuyler, who was speaking with Washington, also tears on his face.

Washington nodded and I new I'd ask later. Schuyler looks back to Y/N and she brought him into a hug.

She separated and looked back to us. There was more?! How much had she gone through!? "I had to lie. I said I predicted it and used my emotions to my advantage. Used his." Impeccable thinking!

She shook her head. "But I never broke. They wanted my address and information on all of you, on John Park Custis." Washington's adopted son! The general stiffened but kept quiet.

"But I didn't break. I didn't say a single word. I wouldn't allow myself." The words went unsaid. I wouldn't allow myself to disappoint all of you.

Y/N's eyes met mine again and I let my pride for her show. She looked around and I knew everyone was prideful of her. She looked to Washington.

"Thank you for saving my son, for saving all of us." He said with a slight dip of his chin. Y/N nodded back. She extended a hand to Amanda and together they stood. "Amanda's coming home with me. She's under our protection now." Whether she said it or not, I would now dedicate my life to the brunette, for she had saved Y/N.

"Of course." Lafayette said, his accent kicking in. "The une jolie femme helped you. I will always protéger her." He said confidently. I was prepared to translate when Amanda smiled.

"Merci beaucoup monsieur." She said gracefully, her French perfect. I looked to Lafayette to find him blushing. I chuckled and he pinched my shoulder.

Y/N smiled softly. "Let's get home." She said. Everyone cheered as Y/N and I locked eyes yet again. We needed to talk alone later. She nodded. I needed to sort things out.

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