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I pressed the tip of the blade to C/N's chest, ripping his shirt fabric. "Take me outside." I demanded. He glared at me before turning, hands still raised. "This is a mistake, Y/N." He said carefully, walking forward.

He slowly lowered his hand and turned the knob, shoving the door open. I heard everyone turn to us and I held my breath.

My wounds inflicted on my legs and arms stung and burned with every step I take, a few leaking more and more blood. I gritted my teeth against my severe limp. A familiar dizzy feeling swarmed my head, but I pushed it away as I entered a larger, brighter room. So it was daytime. Good to know.

At least a dozen redcoat soldiers glared at me or gawked at me, then glared or gawked at
C/N. One, General Howe, looked me over, assessing for weakness.

"Move." I demanded, poking C/N with the blade. He glared at me but continued walking. I limped after him, keeping my eyes forward. I heard someone's gun cock and I lunged. A gunshot went off as I grabbed C/N, pressing the blade to his neck. Everyone froze.

I surveyed the room. A young brunette man was shakily holding his gun. I glared at him. "Guns down." I demanded. C/N squirmed, my cuts barking in pain. "Stop that!" I snapped. He  stopped, his heart racing.

I heard guns clatter to the ground. I looked to Howe, who has his gun aimed at us. I pivoted, putting C/N's body as a shield. "Rude!" C/N snapped with a scoff. I kicked his ankle and he cursed.

"Gun down, General." I ordered. He shrugged. "This petty boy isn't worth half of your worth, especially since you're a Schuyler daughter, pretty thing." He purred.

I gritted my teeth. "You shoot him, the bullet would go straight through and into me. So gun down." I said with a newfound calm. I didn't know if the bullet would go through C/N! Wild guess!

Howe looked over the situation. I was loosing too much blood. I was loosing feeling in my fingers. I adjusted them on the hilt of the sword. "Tick tock, General." I said in a flat tone.

"Shoot, General Howe." C/N said. I blinked in surprise. "Do it. Better kill us both than have her get away to her father." He explained.

This was not good. "But if you kill us both, you have no chance of getting to know my father's secrets and ensure your death. I've already told my father I expected this turn out." I lied smoothly, though my words were quick and clipped.

Howe's eyebrows raised. "We'll fend them off and get another hostage." C/N countered. I scoffed, now fully engaged in the argument.

"Who knows my father better than me? His own daughter?" I argued. C/N ducked, rolling on the ground. I leapt back as he drew a sword from a soldier. We aimed at each other.

"Touché." I said with a crooked smile. This was partly a facade. I felt my cuts burn, but my bleeding was slowing. I won't faint.

C/N chuckled and stepped sideways. I stepped opposite. "If your father is coming, why not use him?" He asked, taking another step. I took another. "You really think you have a chance of breaking a trained army general more than breaking me?" I fired back.

We circled the room, redcoats watching in stunned silence. With different circumstances, they'd consider this a lover's quarrel. Different circumstances as in if C/N wasn't a traitor.

C/N shrugged at my statement. "Maybe. Still worth a try?" He asked. I shook my head. "My father is too trained to give up. And your torturer is useless." I snapped. Someone made a threatening noise. "He couldn't even break a young, naïve, heart broken, twenty year old girl."

They all glared at a black haired man littered with scars. He glared at me. C/N scoffed. "Cut Abe some slack. He was instructed to give you minimal wounds." C/N defended.

A retort formed in my head. "Defending him, are you? Why can't he defend himself?" I asked. "This is between us." C/N snapped defensively. I chuckled. "I see you quickly found my replacement, C/N. Though I'm prettier."

The men snorted and snickered, Abraham and
C/N white with rage. The door was now directly behind me, no redcoats in the way. I stepped back.

"It was lovely meeting you boys," Another step back. "But I'm afraid I'm late for something." Another step. I felt the knob in my palm. "Good day." I turned the knob and ran, ditching the sword.

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