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A/N wow. Your comments are awesome, all of you :) I read them for motivation. I watched Frozen yesterday 😅 Hans was my inspiration. Anyways, on with the book :)

I blinked, going slack. What did he mean the reason? "What? You didn't know?" He asked tauntingly. I didn't respond.

"Oh Y/N, there is so much for you to learn. You see, I'm not completely colonial." He said. I blinked again. Wait, he was born in Britain?! He smirked at my confusion. "Yes, I'm British. Father and I lived there for ten years before coming to America."

I swallowed. "A while back, I received a letter. Just after the war begun, just after we met." A letter? Why did I have the feeling I knew what the letter entailed?

C/N resumed his pacing. "From General Howe. A bribe." I swallowed. "I accepted. I've been a spy since. But you, oh you." His fingers danced across my shoulders seductively. Screw him!

"I wanted to report back on your family oh so badly, but there was something about you that prevented me. Your charm, my emotions. They don't mix too well." Wow. Shocker. I rolled my eyes.

"I got the letter because I wrote to King George III that I suspected war on the horizon. Guess I was right." WHAT?!

He continued. "Now do us the favor and tell us about the wedding and where your father is." I looked away from him.

"Tell us where your father's ship is. Tell me about Alexander, John Laurens, Marquis de Lafayette. Tell me about General Washington, John Park Custis."

I shut my eyes to keep from looking at him. I can't let my emotions get the best of me right now! C/N cursed and shoved my chair. I landed on my side and I hissed. "Foolish girl! Be a good fiancé and tell me!" He grabbed my chair and pulled me up again.

He brought his face to mine, eyes red with rage. I spat at his nose. "I'd rather die."

He dropped me before slapping me across the face. I struggled against my ropes. I was so close!

"I will ruin you!" He snapped, drawing his sword. I looked him dead in the eye as he leveled the sword with my throat. "Don't you know?" I said, mimicking his tone. He raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

I nodded, the sword biting into my skin. "Don't you know I predicted this?" Hard lie. He faltered. "Oh yeah. I predicted this very moment, me at your mercy. I've been faking. Remember what I told you back when the war started?" He dropped his sword to his side, doubt and shock in his eyes. "Acting is our only true ally." We said in unison.

I nodded slowly. This was the true act, my bravado. I never would've imagined this, not in my worst nightmare. "I told my father. I told him you might be on the loyalist side. He should be here in a day, and you have three options."

He sheathed his sword. "One, you prepare for a fully armed battalion coming you way. Two, you let me go and I send them off. Or three, you uselessly torture me for information and kill me, ensuring your own demise."

My heart was racing. If they sniffed out my lies, I was over. C/N surveyed my broken state. I once swore I'd never lie to C/N, but that was when he was worth it. Now, he wasn't worth rubbish.

"So if I believe you." He said, crossing his arms. "I might as well kill you and still prepare for the battalion." Why didn't I think of that?! I mentally face palmed. My bonds were almost loose.

"Do it, then. Kill me. The girl who gave you a chance, the girl who loved you. Kill the girl that travelled the seas for you, faked her gender for you, fought pirates for you, fell into the ocean for you, ran away for you, loved you."

He shuddered and slowly unsheathed his sword. I felt a knot come loose in my bonds. "I'm sorry." He whispered, raising the sword. I yanked my hands free and dove.

The sword swung above my head as I tackled C/N, chair coming with me. He gave a shouted and kicked the sword away.

I kicked my feet loose and crawled over C/N. I lunged for his sword but he yanked my ankle, causing me to hit my head in the ground. I hissed as he stood. He limped to me and I stuck my leg out, tripping him.

We scrambled after each other, throwing curses, knees, and elbows. I was now pinning him with my knees and I reached for the blade. My fingers brushed the hilt and I grabbed it.

I stood up and aimed the sword shakily. C/N stood slowly, hands raised. "Easy, Y/N." He said carefully, breathless from our fight. I gestured towards the door. "Time for me to use you."

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