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"British soldiers! Let us in!"

I jumped awake, hitting my knee on the desk. I hissed and clutched my knee. "One moment please, gentlemen!" I said, trying my nicest voice. "Three minutes!" The same soldier snapped. Only three?!

I jumped from the desk and changed swiftly and sloppily into a random red dress. "One minute!" The soldier shouted. I grabbed the letters and looked around. There! A loose floorboard! I hid all of my letters under it and shut it, slinging my bag over my shoulder. "Alright!"

The door burst open and I winced. Three redcoats stormed in, one looking to me. "Name." He said crudely. I forced myself to look timid, forced a lip quiver. If you challenge their masculinity, you will end up in a grave.

"Y/F/N O-Olivers." I said quietly. He looked me up and down, eyes landing on my ring. He snapped his fingers and the other two redcoats started searching.

The leader kept his eyes on me. "Where are you going from and to." He stated more than asked. I blinked. "Going to Yorktown, Virginia from Exeter, New Hampshire." I said, recalling random places from a map I saw in father's office last year. He nodded, eyes still glued to my ring.

"And your husband?" He asked, finally looking to my eyes. I avoided eye contact. "Waiting in Yorktown. I was visiting family in Exeter." I lied smoothly. Another nod.

I blinked again as the soldiers tossed the sheets and into the rooms. "D-Did something happen, officer?" I asked out of genuine curiosity. I stiffened as one soldier lingered on the floorboard I hid my letters under.

He cleared his throat. "Just something out at sea. A routine check, nothing to worry about ma'am." He said a bit kinder than he did with his previous words. I nodded a bit.

One of the soldiers walked up. "All clear, General Howe." He said in a monotone voice. I tensed. General Howe?! The very man that tried to bribe mother and I. I restrained myself from losing it.

He nodded and the three of them lined up. "Sorry for the mess. Have a good day, Mrs.Olivers." General Howe said before leaving.

I immediately shut the door, locking it. I raced for the floorboard and tore it away. I pulled my letters out and stuffed them inside my bag. I put the floorboard back and fixed the room. I smoothed my hair and left the room.

I jogged down the steps and to the counter. "Checking out." I said before leaving. I looked around the buzzing loyalist town, eye catching on a building labeled Postal Services.

I swiftly walked to the building, finding it empty. "Good morning!" The post man said in a thick British accent. I smiled softly and walked forward, riffling through my letters.

I set down the ones I wanted mailed and scratched at my head. "How long does it take for mail to get to Albany?" I asked. He hummed, thinking.

"Roughly two days there." He says. I scowled. I'd have to stay here for five days then! "Alright. Thank you, sir." I said, dipping my head. He nodded and took the letters.

I left the postal services office and looked around. I caught people staring at me and I frowned. Did I have something on my face?

I looked down at myself and found a purple bruise on my forearm, roughly the size of my fist. Oh, from why the redcoat sailors kicked me the second time. I poked it and felt a small twinge of pain. Most of the pain was in my gut.

I ignored it and walked forward into the crowd, my red dress sticking out like a sore thumb.

After some minutes walking and exploring the town, something tugged at my skirts. I flinched and looked down.

A small boy was smiling up at me. He couldn't be more than six years old. His messy, deep black hair was cut to his chin, striking black eyes shining up at me. He was missing two teeth and was no taller than my waist.

"Oh, hello." I said, turning to him. I crouched to his height and he smiled. "I'm Johnny Chapman!" He chimed. He had a half-eaten apple in his hand.

"Hello Johnny. I'm Y/N." I said gently. He smiled brightly. "Johnathan!" A woman and man scolded. I looked behind the boy to see two adults, one man and one woman, rushing over.

"So sorry!" The woman said. She didn't look related to the boy, but the man did. "It's alright." I said. The man extended a hand. "Nathaniel Chapman." He said. I shook it.
"Y/F/N Olivers." I replied. The woman gently swatted Johnny's hand from her hair. "Lucy Chapman-Cooly." She said.

I smiled. "Sorry again. He ran off while we were purchasing something." Nathaniel explained. I waved it off. "It's quite alright! I have a little sister just younger than him." I explained, imagining Cornelia's smiling face.

"Aw!" Lucy said in adoration. Someone shouted Nathaniel's name and they turned. "Well, it was good meeting you." Lucy said, facing me. "Say bye Johnny." She said to the boy. He waved. "Bye Johnny!" I chimed. He giggled and left inside her arms.

Hiiiiiii lovelies!!!
I did some research, because only the best for my readers :), and Johnathan Chapman was a real person. Who is he? He was born in 1776 and goes by a different name!! Answer in the comments!!! Byeeee!

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