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Dozens of shouts rang out. The captain gripping my hair tumbled back, letting me go. Alexander went in for the kill.

I couldn't watch as Alexander sliced the two men that attacked us. I turned to the other shops to find smoke from guns, the sounds of clashing steel.

I turned to Alexander, only to find one of the men lying dead, the other at his mercy, blade at the throat. None of the other enemy crews dared move as they watched their leading captain kneel before Alexander.

I turned to the battle at hand, drawing my sword. "I'll be right back." I mused to Alexander before leaping to the other enemy ship.

I wanted the crew fighting Washington's to see and fear what we accomplished. I aimed my sword at a random blond crew mate.

"Weapons on the floor." I ordered, surveying the crew. I looked to the man I held hostage as the sound of steel and wood clattered to the ground. He was wearing a commander's coat and hat. Luck of the draw.

"You too, Captain." I sneered. Despite my outside bravery, I was dying inside. My heart was racing, blood pounding in my ears.

He scowled at me as he removed his two swords and pistol. "Toss them in the water." I demanded. When I heard nothing, I shouted, "Now! Or Captain here goes over instead."

Moments later, dozens of splashes. "Kneel. If I find any of you standing, over you go."

I felt like the ghost of a patriot pirate was taking me over, guiding me. Like he was keeping me from embarrassment and death. Thanks, ghost pirate man.

I heard them all kneel, the captain doing the same. I stepped back and looked around. Alexander had already taken control of the other two ships, somehow, and still had the leading captain under his control. He's good.

Our eyes met and he gave me a small nod. I faced the captain again. "Be a good captain and stay." I teased before going back to the main ship, eventually going to my ships.

"Hello!" I shouted. No one listened. I frowned. "HEY BRITISH SCUM!!" I shouted. Everyone froze and turned to me.

I pointed to the ships. "Listen, weapons down." I snapped. They looked to their subdued, annoyed comrades and paled, dropping their weapons.

I nodded and looked to Washington. "All yours, General." I said with a small smile. "Thank you, Miss Schuyler." He said back, enhancing the Miss. He wanted them to know that they had been beaten single handedly by a woman. I grinned as the whispers begun.

I dipped into a bow. "Always happy to kick some British-" Father cut me off with a cough. I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, we are all awaiting your order, General." I said, avoiding eye contact with my father. Washington gave a nod and I turned to Alexander, beckoning him over. He shoved the British captain and they walked over. "Nice job." I said. He gave me a small, evil smile. He wants to lead, is born to. But he's just an aide-de-camp. I'll talk with Washington later.

"Alright. Get the prisoners in shackles and below deck. Attack their ships, use them. We will change the flags to fly for the patriots." Washington shouted, cheers accompanying. The British frowned.

I stuck my tongue at one and whirled to Alexander, who shoved the leading captain to his knees.

He gave me a small smile. I found myself grinning back. "Alright, let's get a move on!" Washington shouted. The patriots crews started moving and Alexander handed me the dagger. I slipped it into his coat back and opened my arms.

"A deal's a deal." I charmed. His face lightened and embraced me. I gave him a squeeze and sighed.

His smell enveloped me like a blanket of comfort in a world of chaos. I felt guilty about it.

After a bit, I let go. I shrugged off my coat and handed it to him. "You keep it." He said, pushing it back to me. I blinked. "What? This is your jacket, your militia jacket. I know how much you love it." I said with slight taunt. He blushed a bit.

"Just," He paused a moment. "Just keep it. Please." I blinked again but shrugged it back on. "Alright." He gave me a small smile when his name was called.

We both turned to find a slightly bruised blond man jogging over. "John?!" Alexander asked worriedly once Laurens reached us. He immediately surveyed the bruised up man.

"I'm fine Alex." Laurens said reassuringly. "Just a black eye and a twisted wrist." He explained. Laurens faced me. "Great work,
Y/N." He said, kissing my hand. I gave him a small smile.

"I couldn't do it without Alexander." I said, nudging the ginger. He chuckled lightly. Stay away from Laurens. I'll ask later.

I kinda spaced out while the boys chatted. After some time, a hand waved in front of my face. I blinked. "Sorry, what? I was thinking." I admitted. They chuckled.

"Mind if I have a word?" Alexander asked. I nodded shyly and he lead me to the barracks, which I guessed was our official meeting place.

He shut the door behind us and I faced him. The sun light danced a crossed his features, creaming a mysterious affect.

"Erm, well," he paused, his tone nervous. What's going on? I've never seen him at a loss for words. "I-I know you said that you didn't want my affection, but I just can't shut off my feelings." I blinked, blushing a bit.

Alexander took a shaky breath. "Y/N, you are so strikingly different than the other women. You are courageous, strong, and firm in your beliefs. Elizabeth is so gentle, loving. It's hard to believe you two are related sometimes." He chuckled nervously to himself and I gave him a small smile.

"Well, what I'm trying to say, since I always prefer to ask, is may I kiss you?"

I blinked, blushing as bright as a redcoat. This could go so many different ways. I decided to jump headfirst and gave a small nod. His face lit up and he gently cupped my face. I shut my eyes as he slowly lowered his lips to mine, and my world changed.

This is especially dedicated to all the commenters is the chap before this 😆 keep at it luvs 😁

Shy From The Spotlight - Alexander Hamilton x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن