One Hundred and Sixteen

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I decided to buy clothes before I devised a master plan. Since I wanted to leave unnoticed...again...I couldn't take John's clothes.

The small bell rang at the top of the door as I walked in. "Hello!" A voice said beside me.

I flinched and turned, finding a tall ginger man behind me. "You scared me!" I said with a small smile.

His cheeks turned a rosy color. "Sorry, ma'am." He said quietly. I waved it off. "It's alright! Say, do you have any clothes fitting..." I pointed to a pair of trousers and a shirt. "That?"

They were the same that John had, so I just needed multiple! The man walked over and grabbed the two items before taking them back.

I heard the door open behind me and I sidestepped, not wanting to be in their way.

"Y/N?" I turned around to find Alexander leaning in the doorway. I smiled and immediately hugged him. "Alexander! Hi!"

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. "What are you doing in a man's clothing s-" he paused and let go of me, looking at me. I looked at the floor and avoided eye contact.

I saw from the corner of my eye that he crossed his arms over his chest. "What are you planning?"

I shifted nervously. "Can't a girl buy her brother some clothes?" I asked.

I looked up to meet his stare to find him shaking his head. "Not you, not with your track record." He said with a slight laughed. I frowned and shrugged. "I can't tell you."

He raised an eyebrow before grabbing my hand and pulling me from the store.

"Hey! Where are you taking me!" I shouted. He didn't say anything, but merely ran faster, taking back ways to avoid being seen.

I grumbled but ran with him, a hint excited for where he might take me.

Suddenly, he stopped, causing me to bump into him. I would've fallen backwards if he didn't grab my waist.

I looked up at him and he gave me a wink. I blushed as he pulled me to a stand. "I could've fallen." I mumbled, crossing my arms protectively. He playfully rolled his eyes. "But I caught you. Can I get a thank you?"

I smiled and gave him a quick kiss. "Thank you!" I said, making him blush.

He cleared his throat and took a breath. "Why did I bring you here? Oh right, your plan." I winced as he gave me a scornful look.

"What are you planning, Y/N?" He asked authoritatively. I looked away and said, "Nothing."

He stepped into my view again. "Y/N, tell me."

I met his violet eyes before giving in. "Fine! I'm planning to become a spy and run away again!"

He groaned and shook his head. "You are the stupidest genius I've ever met." He grumbled. I didn't know if I should feel complimented or offended, so I settled on confused.

"What! No one thinks I can!" I argued. He ran a hand over his face in irritation. "That's not it! We know you can, we're just afraid to lose you!"

I raised an eyebrow. "We?" He glared at me. "You think I'm going to be the only one to say you shouldn't?"

I huffed and didn't answer. He shook his head again and pushed his bright orange hair from his face. "You aren't going. I'll set out a warning to not let you on a ship."

I gasped and looked at him. "What! No! I'm my own woman, Alexander!" I snapped. He scoffed and put his hands on his hips.

"I know you are! But right now, you're irrational!" He challenged. I flailed my arms dramatically. "How! How on earth am I irrational!?"

He falsely shrugged. "Oh, I don't know! Maybe because you still need your wounds to heal! Maybe because C/N's back! Or maybe it's because of the fight you had this morning with two redcoats! Pick a reason, Y/N!"

I glared daggers his way. "How do you know about that so quickly? Who told you!"

He rolled his eyes. "I am married to your sister, Y/N! How wouldn't I know?!" He shouted back.

I scowled and scoffed his way. "Don't bring her into this!" He made a sound of disbelief. "I wasn't!"

"Oh yes you were! You know exactly how I feel about my sister!"

He crossed his arms and opened his mouth to say something, but ultimately decided against it. Smart man.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I need something to drink." I muttered under my breath. Alexander chuckled and nodded. "Me too. Follow me, I know a place."

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