One Hundred and Five

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I quickly searched my dozens of special ball gowns, each one a bright red. But today, I didn't want to go bright. I wanted maturity and regality.

I frowned. I needed Alana. "Alana!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "No shouting, Y/N!" Mother yelled back. I apologized just as my door opened. "Yes?" Alana asked, poking her head in.

"Come in! I need help finding a dark red ball gown." I explained to her. She gave me a knowing smile and walked up to my side.

"I have your mature dresses down here," she got to her knees and reached to the far back of my closet. "For when you would go into them. They should fit now."

She grunted as she heaved a large, white cardboard box and stood with it. "I'll help." I said, moving to share the weight of the box. "Ah ah ah, I can handle it." She said before planting the box atop my bed.

She tossed the lid and I stepped to her side. I was blown away!

There had to be six gowns! All a deep ruby red with varying designs. "They are gorgeous, Alana!" I said in awe. She gave me a bright smile.

"Now these are a bit complex to put on, so I'll help you." She said, walking over to the door and shutting it. When she turned back to me, I gave her a bright smile. "Thank you. For everything." I said as she walked back to me.

She dismissed my statement with a wave. "It's my job. And besides, there's no other person I'd rather help." She said with a grin.

Before I could respond, she clasped her hands together and looked to the gowns. "Alright! Pick your favorite!"

* *

It took almost thirty minutes to put on that dress.

I chose a deep ruby dress with an outer lace design—which was also a dark red, though it was lighter.

Midnight scarlet coloured ribbons zigged and zagged from the top center of the bodice to the bottom center of the skirts, each stretch of ribbon getting progressively larger so the bottom part stretched across the distance of my feet.

The skirts were in ruffles and had satin and silk draped over. The bodice had rubies and garnets stitched into it, larger gems at the bottom of the bodice and tinier ones at the top, creating almost a fade. It had long sleeves that went to my wrist, lace and gems scattered about it. It covered my cuts well.

For my hair, which took fifteen minutes, Alana pinned it up into a gorgeous center spiral bun atop my head. She placed fake, small roses and rose petals into it, securing them with hidden pins. The flowers really complimented my H/C hair.

When I finally looked into the mirror, I was stunned.

I didn't look myself! I looked much older, prettier, and far more mature! I gasped lightly and lightly pressed a slender hand to my cheek.

"Oh I messed up the hair, didn't I!" Alana said in disappointment directed to herself. I whirled to face her, disbelief on my face as I said, "What?"

I slowly lowered my hand. "Alana, it's gorgeous!" I said, immediately pulling her into a tight hug. I must've caught her by surprise because it took her a few seconds before hugging me back with equal emotion.

Our moment was ruined when John shouted my name. "Coming!" I shouted back, stepping back from Alana. "Go, I'll clean up." She said softly. I gave her a grateful look before rushing for the door, skirts rustling and swishing with each step.

I slowly opened the door and stepped out, not bothering to shut it. "Finally!" John said. Everyone faced me and paused.

Everyone's eyes scanned over my outfit and dress as I descended the stairs. Everyone looked to fancy and well-dressed!

"You look beautiful, Y/N!" Margarita said, meeting me at the base of the stairs. "Thank you! You look gorgeous! You all do!" I said in truth.

"Let's go already!" Cornelia whined. Her, Catharine, Rensselaer, and Jeremiah were too young to come, so they would be staying and watched over by the maids.

I cringed and stopped to her level. "Sorry 'Nelia, but you can't come with us!" She immediately burst into tears and I sighed.

"You aren't the only one! Caty, Ren, and Jeremiah are staying with you!" None of the others made any fuss. She sniffled but didn't stop her tantrum.

"You'll get to help make cookies!" I said. She immediately stopped crying and smiled.

I chuckled and stood, facing father. "Ready?" I asked, dusting off my skirts. Everyone nodded and we headed for the door.

My elder sisters flocked towards me, whispering and giggling. "What?" I whispered at them. They giggled more as we left the house.

"Having some déjà vu from a month ago. Remember when we snuck out?" Margarita asked quietly. My eyes widened and I nodded, laughing. It seemed years ago! Before everything went downhill.

"I hope Alexander will be there!" Elizabeth said excitedly. Angelica and I looked away.

I silently hoped Alexander would make an appearance. I knew Angelica thought the same and I felt a pang of jealousy hit my heart.

I shoved away my thoughts and focused on the now. "Elizabeth!" Angelica whispered very quietly, and I saw her gave a pointed look to me. I rolled my eyes.

They were being cautious about the fact that there was no way for C/N to arrive. Yes, I was sad and hurt, but I didn't want to project my sorrowful emotions towards my sisters.

"It's fine, Angelica. Honest!" The three of them gave me worried looks. "Let Elizabeth celebrate her marriage! She's earned it!"

My second eldest sister gave me an apologetic look and I waved her off. "It's Christmas! I'm fine, I swear." I said. Margarita gave my hand a squeeze and I chuckled lightly.

I'm fine...right?

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