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"Three cheers to Y/N Schuyler!!" Harry drawled. It was almost sunset and they have been drinking for hours. But me? I know better, so I've only drank half a pint.

The men raised their glasses. "Hip hip hooray!! Hip hip hooray!! Hip hip hooray!!!" They all drained their glasses again. I doubled over in laughter at their drunken cheers. "Tell me gentlemen," A sailor slurred as he stood on the table. "Who is the best female captain of them all?" They all pointed to me. "THE SCHUYLER SISTER!!!"

I laughed and set down my pint. "Speech! Speech! Speech!" They chanted. This was the fourth time they asked for a speech. I shrugged and climbed onto the table. They cheered at the victory. I opened my mouth to say something but the door slammed open.

We all whirled around, going impossibly silent. Father stood in the doorway, arms crossed. Oh no. His stern glare went from sailor to sailor, finally landing on me. I swallowed.

"Y/N, come here. Now." He ordered. I hesitated. I haven't seen him so evilly calm. "No." I said back, no emotion in my tone. He tensed.

"Here now, or else." He snapped. I rolled my eyes and hopped off the table, but I didn't go anywhere. "Or else what, father?" I fired back. I heard some of my crew mates stifle drunken giggles. Father stiffened at the disrespect.

"Or else I will send you right back home." He threatened. I gave him a bemused look. "How? Stock me on a ship? Lock me up like the British scum I caught?" I said, going for the guilt that he tried to bring in me so many times before.

His gaze held strong. "Are you apart of this ship?" He asked suddenly. I blinked and raised an eyebrow. "Yes." I said cautiously. He smirked.

"Then as your general, I am commanding you to come here." Ouch, treated like a dog. I could feel the men behind me wince at the command, at the abandonment of family. I crossed my arms. "As your daughter, I am saying no." I challenged.

I gave my father a look that I knew made him see red. "And this isn't a war ship, it's cargo." I corrected nonchalantly.

He balled his hands into tight fists. He stomped forward and I tensed. "You will not disrespect me like this." He hissed under his breath, gripping my forearm.

I felt my body lock up as I looked to my arm. "Don't." I said under my breath, barely able to speak. He pulled and I resisted. "Let. Me. Go." I gritted out, my heart quickening. I clenched my jaw, forbidding words to leave my mouth again.

"Come on!" Father demanded. I locked in place and he surveyed me. I kept my gaze on his hand.

"What is wrong with you?" He snapped. I couldn't plead, explain. I needed one of my crew mates to intervene, but they didn't know what's wrong.

"Why is she looking at your hand?" I heard Harry ask. Thank you!!! Father looked at his hand and immediately let go. I sagged and had to put a hand on the table beside me to keep from falling over.

Father paled as realization hit him. "Y/N, I'm sorry." He breathed. I shook my head and gently rubbed where his hand was.

"I'm fine." I rasped, words finally coming back to me. I heard some of the men step forward. "What did you do to her?" I heard someone ask defensively. Someone tapped my wrist, asking if they could grasp it.

I nodded and they gently wrapped their hand around it, pulling me behind the crowd. My own protectors.

Father shook his head slowly. "I-I'm sorry." He managed. He knew that the attack still affected me badly. He knew that this victory meant more to me than it did to him. He knew, yet he still tried to spoil it.

"I'm fine, guys." I said weakly. I could still feel his hands grip on me, like a phantom limb.

They all looked to me. I looked to my father. "I get you are upset," I started, forcing a calm and steady tone. "But this is important to me. I have to go protect C/N." I said quietly.

Father nodded and stepped back. He opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it and left.

I sagged into a seat and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I need something stronger than ale." I grunted under my breath. They chuckled and slid me a pint. I downed it immediately and sighed.

Shy From The Spotlight - Alexander Hamilton x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora