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You overheard your three elder sisters whispering. "There is a winter ball tonight! It's going to be a revel!" You heard Angelica, your eldest sister, whisper. She was wearing her favorite pink gown.

"I heard Mr.Aaron Burr talking about it with a soldier! It's supposed to mark the start of a revolution!" Elizabeth, your second eldest sister, says excitedly. She was also wearing her favorite gown, but hers was a pale blue.

"But we can't!" Margarita insisted. Angelica turned to face her younger sister, but something caught her eye. "Y/N, come out from the corner." She insisted. You sigh in defeat and step out from the shadows.

Margarita put her hands on her hips, her yellow gown moving at her feet.

"Y/N! It's late!" She said scoldingly. I cross my arms. "I heard what you were planning, Angelica and Elizabeth." I say, a hint of edginess in my voice. I was not the one at fault here.

Elizabeth tugged at Angelica's sleeve, signally something. "You can come with us." Angelica offered. Margarita faced her elder sister, a shocked expression on her face.

"Daddy said we can't be downtown! Especially after sundown!" She hissed. She was always a stickler to father's rules. Elizabeth grabbed her arm and dragged her to the side. I eyed them, watching the fair haired sister explain the situation. Angelica just surveyed me.

Margarita and Elizabeth walked back. "You can come with us if you don't tell father, or any of the other children." Angelica purposed. I weighed my options.

I hadn't been in the town for a long while. I always wanted to be included with my elder sisters! And seeing new and unique people! "Okay. I won't tell a soul." I said. They all smiled and nodded.

"Them come, we are heading out right now." Elizabeth said, grabbing her hat and gloves. I smiled and ran to my own hat and gloves. We all had white gloves and pale hats, with ribbons matching our gowns. Elizabeth had blue, Angelica had pink, Margarita had yellow, and I had red.

Margarita gave us all nervous looks, but followed us out the front door of the mansion. We all giggled and picked up our skirts before lightly running down the road.

Young men gawked and whispered as we passed. Most didn't take notice to me. I brushed a few strands of my H/C hair from my face as we arrived at a building.

"Ready?" Angelica asked. We all nodded and two men opened the doors for us.

The room was wonderful! A band played, music top volume, the lights like a gentle dream light! Everyone was dancing and several men in soldier uniforms were in the room.

"Have fun!" Elizabeth said before we all went our separate ways. Immediately, a young, attractive man approached me. "Miss." He said, taking my gloved hand and kissing it.

"May I share a dance with you?" He asked studiously. He had dark brown hair, which was quite dashing. "You may." I said. He took the two of us into a dancing stance.

"What is your name?" He asked as our eyes met. He had such dark eyes, enchanting. Despite his overall wonderful appearance, his demeanor gave me a monotone sense almost.

"Y/F/N Schuyler." I said with a small, polite smile. "Pleasure to become acquainted." He said. "My name is Aaron Burr." He introduced.

Aaron Burr! I've heard his name in the street! He was a very accomplished man.

"It is an honor to meet you." I said. The entire ballroom spun as the men twirled their female dancing partners.

We danced back and fourth for the entirety of the song, Aaron silently fending off any gentleman who approached. The song ended and he kissed my hand. "Till we meet again." He murmured before leaving.

Within seconds, a hand grabbed me and spun me. "Elizabeth?" I asked. She was red, from blushing it seemed! "There, that gentleman talking to Angelica." She said, pointing. I looked.

An auburn haired man was chatting with my eldest sister. His eyes were of a color I hadn't seen before! Almost...violet-blue! He was very handsome.

I faced Elizabeth once again. "I want to dance with him! How do I tell Angelica? Do you think she is fond of him?" She asks so many questions in so little time! "Elizabeth." I said calmly. She was never this erratic.

"I will go to Angelica. Stay right here." I said. She nodded. Normally I would be asking her for help, since she is elder than me.

I turned and walked over to my sister, carefully avoiding any distractions. "Angelica." I whispered. She halted her talking. "So sorry, sir." She said before facing me.

"Yes, Y/N?" She asked impatiently. "Elizabeth has taken notice to the young man you are speaking to." I said very quietly, hoping she would get the hint. Disappointment crossed her face for a second.

She gave me and small nod and I backed up. "Come with me." Angelica said as she linked arms with the man. I secretly followed as they walked in Elizabeth's direction.

"Where are you taking me?" He asked. Who was he? "I would like you to meet someone." Angelica said. She looked to her sister and nodded gently. I watched as Elizabeth approached them.

"Hello! My name is Elizabeth Schuyler, it's a honor to meet you." She said quickly. The man looked at my sisters. "Alexander Hamilton, Miss." He said, removing his arm from Angelica to kiss Elizabeth's hand.

"I'll let you get acquainted." Angelica said, almost sounding sad, before walking off. Where was Margarita? I looked around for a bright yellow gown. I found one twirling, a young blonde man dancing with her.

I smiled gently and let my elder sister dance. Almost immediately, a man asked me for another dance.

Shy From The Spotlight - Alexander Hamilton x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz