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After calming my nerves and finished getting bandaged up, Laurens forbid me from working.

"Why! You fixed me up! I'm fine!" I argued, crossing my arms. He scoffed. "I don't know, maybe because you just had a mental breakdown in front of me," I was about to fight back, but he had another point. "And some bandages don't magically fix wounds in two minutes!"

I huffed. "At least let me watch inside the crow's nest." I pleaded. He shook his head. "No." I groaned and sighed. "Fine. But if anyone asks why I'm sitting out, have them ask me. I don't want you to give a lousy excuse." I said. He nodded and extended a hand. I shook it.

He quickly left the barracks so I could rechange into my soldier uniform. I locked the door and riffled through my bag. With Alexander's jacket  missing, my outfit wasn't complete. So I just grabbed brown trousers and a white tunic and slipped them on before exiting the barracks.

I was welcomed by rain. Not a hurricane or light sprinkle, just easy going, normal rain. I laughed and spun, my hips immediately making me regret it. "Ouch." I hissed under my breath as I sat in a barrel, letting the rain beat down on me.

I laughed and opened my mouth. The rain brought me memories of home, of dancing in the rainy spring months with the boys, my elder sisters trying to keep me dry.

"Y/N! You're soaking!" A familiar voice said, bringing me back into reality. I blinked and looked forward, shutting my mouth. Alexander was rushing towards me, newest jacket extended towards me. "Oh, hi Alexander."

He quickly placed the jacket around me and I chuckled. "I'm soaking? You're soaking!" I said back, poking his nearly-transparent tunic.

His ginger hair was a dark maroon that clung to his head and shoulders. I quickly realized my own white shirt would look the same and tugged the jacket shut. Alexander sloshed back his hair and laughed. "It never rained back where I was from." He said.

I tilted my head. "You aren't from here?" I asked. He shook his head. "From Nevis, a small island off the Caribbean. Came here when I was seventeen." He explained. I nodded and pointed to his hair. "I'm guessing this is native." He laughed and shook his head. "From my..." he paused. "Father. He's Scottish." I nodded and mentally noted his pause.

I nudged him with my shoulder. "Have you ever danced in the rain?" I asked. He blinked. "What? Erm, no. No I have not." He said, embarrassed.

I laughed and hopped off the barrel, gripping onto Alexander to keep from falling. "You alright, Y/N?" He asked, grabbing my elbows. I shrugged it off. "They just went numb." I lied. He nodded and I stood. "Dance with me."

His eyes widened as I dragged him into the rain and empty deck, everyone hiding from the rain.

"Y/N, this isn't a good idea." He said nervously. I joined our hands and started to slowly spin in circles. "Y/N!" He said with a laugh.

We spun in circles and laughed. "Dancing in the rain is fun!" He said as we slowed. We went silent as we stepped closer to each other. "When we get home, will I receive any complaints from my sister about your awful slow dancing?" I asked as we joined one hand.

He chuckled as he lifted our hands above my head. I started to spin, wet hair flying around like a halo. "John taught me. Your John." He clarified. I blinked and spun into him, my back to his front. "He did?"

I spun out and was at arms length with him. "Yeah. He said you taught him." He whispered softly. I paused when our fronts faced each other, a few inches apart.

"I did. For a girl." He chuckled as we swayed a bit. This was the exact dance I planned to do at the wedding with him. It's custom for the sisters of the bride to do such a dance with the groom. I spun once more and stopped.

"Was the wedding alright? How was Angelica?" I asked quietly. He nodded. "It was amazing. Flawless. Both Cornelia and Catharine were flower girls." I laughed a bit when tears stung. I thanked the rain for hiding them.

"And Angelica was alright. She gave a great speech and dance. We all toasted to you." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Y-You what?" I asked, voice betraying me.

He nodded. "We toasted for you to stay safe and keep going." He said softly. I sniffle and hugged him. I laid my head over his shoulder and took a shaky breath. "Thank you." I whispered.

He patted my back. "And hey, we'll be home by morning." He said. I jumped back. "WHAT?!"

He nodded. "By around ten." I placed my hand on my forehead. "I'm not ready." I said to myself. Alexander grabbed my arms gently. "Yes, you are." I shook my head.

"Y/N! You saved our ship twice and another once! You withstood torture, sailed! You jumped into the ocean, saved a young woman! If anything, you deserve to be back more than any sailor here!"

I wiped my cheeks, despite the downpour. "Are you serious? Honest?" I asked. He nodded. "Very."

I yawned and leaned against him. "Let's get you to your bunk." He said, lifting me bridal style. Thank god he lifted me because the dancing made my legs incredibly weak.

I rested my head against his chest and yawned. I don't know how I was immediately tired!

I was asleep before we reached the barracks.

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