One Hundred and Ten

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The story ended with many, many glares and threats directed towards C/N.

"You worthless, awful little worm!" Tamara shouted, stepping towards C/N with a fist raised. I immediately stepped between them, my back to C/N and my hands outstretched to Tamara. "Hey! No! Calm down Tam." I said cautiously.

She looked at me and lowered her fist. She stepped back and dusted off her skirts.

I nodded and side stepped again. "So that's why we need a place to stash him. Just until his story checks out." I said in a pleading voice.

C/N scoffed quietly. "Not stashed. I'm not contraband." He said under his breath. I crossed my arms and faced him. "Do you know what I told everybody?" I asked.

He looked to me and slowly shook his head. I bent at the waist to go to his level.

"I told them you died at the hospital and I was kidnapped visiting you. I painted you a sad heroic story." He sighed in relief. "Thank you for doing that for me." He mumbled.

It was my turn to scoff as I straightened out. "Don't be so full of yourself. It was for your father. Could you imagine the judgement he would face?"

His face dropped and he looked away.

"Alright. I'll keep him for a bit. But he stays tied to the chair." Tamara demanded, breaking the awkward silence. "No!" C/N shouted. At the same time, the five of us shouted, "Deal!"

He glared at us, but father was already tying the end of the rope to the chair legs.

I hugged Tamara and thanked her.

She chuckled and pat my back. "Of course! But you owe me!" She said jokingly. Though it was a joke, I knew she was serious. Someone's word was law in this part of Albany, and favors were currency.

I smiled and we pulled away. "Of course." I said. "We'll get out of your hair." I quickly added.

The men filed out and I started leaving when C/N tried to reach for me. I paused and looked at him.

"Please." He begged. I shook my head. "I'm not blindly trusting you. Not again." I said, leaving. I shut the door behind me.

* *

The five of us agreed to not say a word to anyone about C/N's return, even to my family.

By the time we got back, the ball was over and my family was walking home. Father and I caught up and they all faced us. Mother put her hands on her hips. "Where have you two been?"

I cringed and stepped behind father. He scowled at me, though his softened his gaze when he faced mother.

"We went for a Christmas walk. We haven't been spending a lot of time together so we decided to have some bonding time."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Father was never a good liar to mother. I mean, the lie was great! It issue was just how he said it, the tone in his voice. It was a higher pitch, a dead giveaway.

Mother raised an eyebrow and looked to me. I stepped forward. "We walked along the beach and I told father about my secret gift for you." I blurted. What?!

Mother's gaze immediately softened and she smiled. "That's so sweet Y/N!" She said. I gave her an awkward smile. I didn't have a secret gift! Oh dear god what was I gonna do?!

"I still need to do something with it, so I'll see you guys at home." I said, turning and walking back the way I came.

The second my family turned a corner, I ran into the nearest shop. It was a jewelry shop! Perfect!

I looked around and found a custom jewels spot. They would put the gem charms and attach them to a chain.

"Hello, how can I help you?" An elderly man said, stepping to the other side of the counter. I gave him a gentle smile. "How much for..." I counted on my fingers. "Eleven gems on a necklace. Ten medium and one slightly larger."

A lot, I know. But with our money, it wouldn't make a dent. And besides, we had an ongoing tab here, so father could pay for mother's gift.

His eyes went wide for a moment before he tallied up the amount. "Five pence." Five pence?!?? That was expensive!

I swallowed and nodded. "Put it on the Schuyler tab please." I said. He nodded and wrote it down. "Pick your gems."

I surveyed the precious stones. I started plucking them out one by one.

Pink opal, sapphire, yellow topaz, ruby, garnet, smokey quartz, tourmaline, fire opal, amethyst, and obsidian for the small ones. I grabbed a decent sized diamond and set them on the counter. "Please make the diamond the center piece."

He nodded and got to work.

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