One Hundred and Four

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I woke up with a peaceful feeling inside of me. I haven't woken like this since way before I left for Boston.

I sat up and stretched, wincing a bit. I looked to my arms to find faded, pale lines scattered around. There was only about seven, which is a fraction of how many cuts I received. I flipped the covers off my legs and inspected them. They each had minimal faded scars as well!

I squealed and slid off my bed. The pain in my legs was nearly nonexistent!!

I laughed and did a small spin. I haven't felt this elated in ages! I smiled and strode to my closet, eager to pick my dress for the day.

I plucked the first one that stuck out to me; a maroon bodice with intricate cranberry coloured floral design. The skirts were maroon with silver hints. I exchanged it for my nightgown and grabbed my brush from my drawer. My fingers brushed something and I paused.

I opened the drawer more and found an old and aged envelope, face down. I sent the brush down and gently grabbed the envelope. I turned it over before dropping it.

It was C/N's first letter to me. I shut my eyes for a few moments, collecting myself before bending down. I snatched up the letter before gathering my skirts and rushing from my room.

I quickly jogged down the steps, carefully dodging maids and servants going the opposite way. "Sorry!" I said when I bumped one.

"Everything alright, Miss?" Alana asked as I brushed past her at the bottom of the step. "Yep! Just need to rid of something!" I said as I headed for the fireplace. I heard Alana follow me as I sat in front of the fresh flames.

Alana slowly crouched beside me. "What's that?" She asked quietly. I looked away and handed it to her. She gasped and clicked her tongue.

She handed it back to me and I shakily took out the letter. "Are you sure you want to do this to yourself, Y/N?" She asked. I nodded and folded the letter open.

Dearest Y/N,
My first impression was not one I wanted to give you. I am normally not at such a loss of words, but you have a surreal effect on me. I can only hope you will give me a second chance.

I sighed and refolded the letter. "This was from when he was still human." I said, my voice revealing my broken emotions.

When he was still human. Now, he is an utter abomination to this country and humanity. I'm the reason there's a war in the first place. He started all of this bloodshed. He's the reason father left for weeks, why Alexander left. Why Alexander left my sister within hours of marrying her.

I placed my fingers next to each other at the top of the envelope and letter. I took a deep breath before tearing my fingers apart, the letter ripping in half.

I tossed the remains into the flames and they leapt for them.

Alana and I watched as the flames devoured and diminished the letter, the sentiment and memory dying with it.

Our silent vigil was interrupted by excited squealing. I jumped up and whirled around. Cornelia was rushing for me, waddling from foot to foot. I laughed softly as she hugged my legs.

"Merry Christmas Y/N!" She said. Right! It's Christmas Day! I crouched down and picked her up in my arms. "Merry Christmas 'Nelia."

She laughed and poked my nose. "Let's get you dressed." I said. She nodded and I lead us to her and Margarita's room.

* *

By the time I dressed Cornelia and brushed my own hair, everyone was up and waiting in the living area, looking at the prettily wrapped gifts under the tree.

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