One Hundred and Twelve

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I had no intention in killing these men! I only held hostage and fought, but never killed!

I swallowed and nodded. "So be it."

I lunged for his shoulder which, according to Harry, would be painful but most like not fatal. If I aimed right, that is.

The man shouted and ducked, dropping his sword in a frenzy. I kicked it off the steps and turned back to face him again. He was clutching his bleeding shoulder, hand and clothes stained a dark red.

He looked up at me, eyes full of pain and fear. I struck him deep then. I looked at my blade to find an inch of blood at the tip. I winced, though I knew it wouldn't kill him.

I faced him again and walked forward, pressing the blade to his chest. "Where. Is. My. Family."

He swallowed and shook his head frantically. "I-I don't know! They never came home! I swear!" He cried. I applied pressure to his chest more and he made a sound of agony. "I swear it! You gotta believe me!"

Oh god how I wanted to hurt him further. For all the damage he did to me, my family. For all the trauma I forced myself to shove down these past weeks!

I was about to do something awful when the door flung open. "Y/N! We are hom- AHHHH!!!"

I knew that scream! "Mother! Don't move! Everyone go into the living area and do not leave!"

I heard yells and screams, followed by footsteps. I sighed and stepped back. "Stand."

The man scrambled to his feet and I turned him around. "Down the stairs to your partner." I demanded.

He huffed but obeyed. We started walking when I looked into the living area. My family was paled faced and gawking, the elder siblings hiding the younger three.

I walked down the steps and the man rushed to his also bleeding partner. They both stayed on the ground as they looked to me.

"Tell me about C/F/N C/L/N." I commanded. They both laughed. "That traitor!" The one I first injured spat. "He was a double agent! Working for us by hiding with you! And then after we got you, he started acting strange."

The next continued. "Then you ran off and so did he. Lying bastard."

I laughed and they gave me strange looks. "He wasn't lying!" I said to myself. I looked to them and they stood. "Now get along! Better stitch that up for bleed to death!" I snapped.

They scrambled over each other before running out the door, slamming it behind them.

I sighed and tossed the sword away. "You can come out now! They're gone!" I shouted to my family, wiping some dripped blood onto my skirts. It blended right in! Perfect!

The first person to exit was father. He looked to me, face pale and eyes wide. He looked to me, then the discarded sword, then back to me. "Oh my Jesus." He breathed. I laughed wryly and he ran to me.

He gently gripped my upper arms and looked me over. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" I shrugged him off and shook my head. "I'm fine, father. Honest! I hurt them, not the other way around!"

His face lit up as his eyes met mine. He drew me into a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you! My pirate girl!"

Once he let go, I gave him a small smile and he chuckled. The rest of my family left the living area when I suddenly remembered something. "Right! Mother's gift!"

I rushed to the box and handed it to her. She didn't open it though.

"Why'd you ask about C/N? And what did you mean about a man not lying? What are you hiding!" She demanded. I cringed and pushed the box more into her hands. "Might want to open that first. Better to have good news before bad news."

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