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"Everyone! Dump whatever we can live without! Abandon the cannons!" I shouted, taking up the ship's wheel. I sharply turned left, men sliding a bit. "What do you need me to do?!" Jacob asked.

I whipped my head to him before glancing back around to the ships. "On my bunk, under my pillow. Two letters. I need you to hide them in the safest place on this ship." I commanded, giving him a desperate look. "They have my name on them." I explained.

He gave me a small nod, running off. I heard splashed from the starboard side and looked. Men were throwing over tables, plates, bowls, and some empty barrels.

I looked back at the ships. They were now close enough, I could see figures moving, inaudible shouts. I shoved away my panic. Not the time!

"Harry!" I shouted. He looked up to me, eyes wide with horror. "Get four other men and man the cannons!" I ordered. He gave me a tight nod before beckoning other men to run to the weapons.

I brushed my hair from my face, the sea wind accompanying me. If I failed... If I fail this crew, I would never forgive myself. I could never forgive myself.

I felt a panic start to creep again and shook away my thoughts. Panic is the opposite of helpful right now.

"That's all we can lose, Schuyler." I heard Jacob shout. I looked to the ships. They hadn't gotten any closer, so the weight we lost was helpful. I looked to Jacob, the crew behind him. "You all know these waters. How far until we each any shelter or rocks?" I asked.

They looked at each other. I looked at the open sea, something catching my eye. I narrowed my eyes and stared it down. Some rocks. Maybe?

"Telescope." I commanded, not taking my eyes off the figures. I heard some shuffling before cool metal was in my hand. I lengthened the tool and looked.

I narrowed my eyes a bit. Could it be possible? A small fleet of patriot ships! "There! Patriot ships! Our best chance!" I shouted, handing the telescope away. "Someone get in the crow's nest with the telescope and keep a tab on those ships!" I commanded.

"Everyone else, man the cannons! Get ready for a bumpy ride!" I warned, turning right. I heard random shouts from either ships and focused on the possible safety.

"Y/N!" I turned. Harry was handing me a sword. "Just in case things get nasty." He said softly. I nodded and took the sword, strapping it to my side. I took a long, steady breath, preparing myself.

I looked to the incoming fleet. They only got a tad bit nearer, but were directly behind us. Better chance of avoiding gunfire. I looked forward, the patriot fleet directly ahead. Our best bet.

"Ready men?" I shouted. "Ready Captain Schuyler!" I fought a grin and grabbed the ropes in front of the ship's wheel. I untied them, tugging before letting go.

The sails caught the wind, blasting us forward. How I suddenly learned to do all of this sailing stuff was a huge mystery. Call it luck, instinct, or higher power, as long as it didn't run out just yet.

I felt the wind slightly speed up, catching in the sails. We sped up, the boat jerking a bit. "Captain!!" I shouted, not taking my eyes off the goal. I heard rushed footsteps. "Yes Schuyler?" I glanced at him. "My letters. Are they safe?" I asked. He gave me a small nod.

"Thank you." I said. I meant it. If the British got into this ship, those letters might be my signed death warrant.

He gave me another nod before going back to his post. I looked forward again and prayed.

"Rocks! Hundred yards!" I heard from the crow's nest. I looked to the sea floor, which was littered with rocks ranging from the size of my arm to twice my height. Not good at all. "I need a navigator!" I shouted. "On it!" Someone shouted.

"A bit to the starboard!" They shouted. I turned the wheel, the boat groaning in response. I held my breath as I trusted the navigator.

The boat jerked a bit, scraping the rocks. "God Dammit!" I shouted. The men widened their eyes at the language, but I ignored them. "Port side!" I turned sharply. Everyone muttered silent prayers. The patriot boat was so close, I could see individual figures, here the commands. "Get ready men!" I heard a familiar voice shout. General Washington?!

"It's General Washington!!" I heard someone shout. I sighed in relief. Alexander and father were with him! And John Laurens, and Monsieur Lafayette!! Safety!

Shy From The Spotlight - Alexander Hamilton x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum