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There was a knock at our door. Father had been at war for several months now. He was scheduled to arrive home in a week! "Coming!" I heard Angelica shout from the kitchen. I watched from the piano as my eldest sister ran for the door.

It creaked open and she smiled. "Hello Mr.Washington." She said, inviting him in. The bold man walked in, tears lining his eyes. "What's wrong, sir?" I asked, walking up.

"Get your siblings and mother, Y/N." He said distantly. You obeyed and got your family.

We all sat in the living room, watching Mr.Washington. "I am so sorry." He mumbled. What happened?

"Two days ago, Philip was on the battlefield. H-He called Captain Hamilton's name." Alexander? What did he have to do with this? "He jumped in front of him and-" He couldn't finish.

No. No! NO! My father is alive! "No." Margarita breathed. "What?" Cornelia asked. I faced John as tears fell from our eyes. "John, take everyone and stay in my room." I commanded. My little brother obeyed and he left, leaving Angelica, Elizabeth, Margarita, mother, Washington, and myself.

"I am so sorry." Washington repeated again. I stood up immediately. "No! I refuse to believe it!" I shouted. "Y/N!" Mother said, crying silently. "I refuse!" I said again.

"He is not dead!"

I sat up in a cold sweat. I took several deep breaths and recalled what I just thought of. "Just a dream." I sighed. "Just a dream."

I looked outside to find the sun just rising. I might as well get out of bed, so I did. I walked to my closet and opened it.

I grabbed my clothes and laid them on my bed before walking over to the water pitcher and bowl near my bed. I splashed my face with water to freshen up.

I put on my stockings and shoes, like usual. I grabbed my corset and lace it, putting it on. It was incredibly tight, but necessary. I slid my pale red underskirt over my head and tied it off.

I grabbed the top of my skirts and put it over my chest. It was darker than my underskirt. I tied it neatly before grabbing my over skirt, which matched in color to my top.

I slid it over and tied the ribbons against my back. I grabbed a red ribbon and tied my hair into a neat bun before going to make breakfast.

I carefully walked downstairs to the kitchen. "Good morning." I jumped and turned. Father was sitting on his chair, the overpriced tea in his hand. I collected myself. "Good morning." I said briefly.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked, willing to make him food. Despite me being upset about him going off to war in a few days, I still wanted to spend time with him.

"Yeah. There is porridge on the stovetop." He said, pointing to the specific appliance. He already made food? That was unusual.

I walked over and tasted the porridge. I recoiled. It was bland! Rensselaer, Cornelia, and Catharine would have a fit! I quickly grabbed the sugar and cinnamon, which was as overpriced as the tea.

I poured a generous amount of both spices into the porridge and stirred. I tasted it again and nodded in approval.

"Tell me, how bad did I make it?" Father asked as he walked over. I quietly chuckled and shrugged. "You didn't forget much." I said truthfully. I watched as he picked up the sugar and cinnamon. He laughed gently and set them down.

"I never could cook." He said. I grabbed a bowl and poured some porridge. "Try it now." I said, extending the bowl to him.

He gave me a peculiar look before taking a slight bite. His eyes lit up and I smiled with pride. We heard a small gasp and turned. Miss Abagail, our cook, was standing there. I never understood why my father kept slaves. It was crude.

"So sorry for not making breakfast before either of you woke." She said, hanging her head. Her dark hair was in a bun similar to mine.

"It's quite alright, Miss Abagail." I said, giving her a small smile. She taught me some important cooking techniques growing up. Her dark eyes flicked to my father. "Yes, it's alright." He said. Abagail dipped her head again before walking off somewhere.

Before I could take to father more, we heard Catharine wailing upstairs. "I'll get her." I said, scurrying upstairs.

I quickly went into mother and father's room, were Catharine slept for now, and walked over to the cradle.

Catharine wailed and thrashed. I grabbed my little sister and shushed her. "It's alright Caty." I said quietly, rushing out of the room, not wanting to wake mother.

Catharine wasn't yet trained to use the powder room. She was a slow learner. I walked to my room and changed her cloth diaper. "Is that better?" I asked. She sniffed. "Good morning Y/N." She said weakly. I chuckled and walked downstairs with her on my hip.

"Daddy!" Catharine squealed in my ear. I shushed her scoldingly. "Good morning Catharine." Father said. He was pouring bowls or porridge for all of us.

"I could've gotten that." I said, setting Catharine in her special chair before walking over. "I know. Go wake your siblings for me." He said. I nodded and went upstairs.

I went into Angelica's room slowly. "Angelica, time for breakfast." I said calmly. My eldest sister stirred before sitting up. "I'll be out in a minute Y/N." She said in dismissal.

I shut her door and walked to Rensselaer and Jeremiah's room. "Boys, time to wake." I said. Jeremiah, being the young gentleman he is, sat up and said, "I'll wake up Rensselaer."

I let them be and headed to Cornelia and Margarita's room. Cornelia wouldn't sleep in any other room, so they shared. "Margarita, Cornelia. Father wants us all." I said softly.

Margarita shifted in her bed. "Margarita." I said a bit louder. Nothing. "Margarita!" I snapped. My sister jolted awake. "Father wants us." I said before leaving.

Now only Elizabeth and John were left. I went into John's room first. "John, wake up." I said. He mumbled something. "John, don't mumble." I said sternly. He groaned and rubbed his eyes. "I'm awake." He said.

I laughed softly before leaving for Elizabeth's room.

I knocked, knowing Elizabeth was awake at strange hours. "I'm already awake, I'll be down in a minute!" I heard. I nodded and left for downstairs.

"Everyone up?" Father asked. I nodded and looked to Catharine. She had porridge all over her face! "Oh Catharine." I said, rushing over.

I grabbed a handkerchief and cleared away her mess she made. She giggled and I grabbed the spoon from her. "Good morning Catharine,
Y/N." Angelica said, walking down. She had yet to notice father.

She reached the dining room and halted. "Good morning father." She said softly. Father handed her a bowl and she took it, walking over.

"Why is he up?" She whispered to me as I fed Catharine. "I don't know. He's been up before sunrise. He even made breakfast." I whispered back. I handed Catharine the spoon and she ate more normally.

"Good morning." Two voices said at once. We all looked up to find Jeremiah and John practically dragging Rensselaer.

"Good morning boys." Father said. I saw Jeremiah kick Rensselaer, who immediately fixed his posture. They walked down and grabbed food.

"Where is your sisters?" Father asked. I looked to Angelica. "I will get them." She said, standing. Father let her run off upstairs to get our sisters before sitting with us. He was acting so strange today!

"I got Margarita and Cornelia." Angelica said as she walked back downstairs, the two sisters in tow. "Good morning everyone." Margarita said as she walked down.

Once everyone was seated, father spoke. "I know you all have many questions about when I leave. Ask at anytime." We all nodded shyly. I had one question that I was too afraid to ask.

What if you never come home?

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