One Hundred and Nine

770 26 3

I silently lead the men around the city, snaking through alleyways and small roads, dodging bystanders.

Currently, we were in what someone would call the 'slums' of Albany; homeless people, addicts, working girls. My father scrunched his nose in disgust but I ignored it. I've been here once before.

Three years ago, I had followed a woman into this area of the city, only to be immediately cornered by several scruffy men.

They tried to harm me, but the woman I followed scared them off. She let me stay at her place for the night and I haven't come back since. Until now, that is.

"Why are we here?" Washington mumbled under his breath. "I have a friend that can help us out." I vaguely explained back.

My father paused his steps. "You've been here before? In the slums?" He asked, angered. I rolled my eyes. "Nothing happened. And besides, we have bigger issues to focus on." I said, gesturing to C/N.

When we turned a sharp, hidden corner, I knew we were there. To our right was a small, shack-looking house that was wearing down from the weather.

"Stay here." I said sharply before stepping forward. I heard my father take a breath to argue, but I was already at the door.

I knocked three times, paused, then twice more. I waited fifteen second before the door opened, only an inch. "Who are you?" A woman asked, not looking outside.

I sighed in relief. "Last time I saw you, you called me a silly, foolish girl with a death wish." I said jokingly. It was true. She scolded me for getting lost in this part of town, but had taken me in.

The door flew open and I was immediately brought into a hug. I gave a stifled laugh and wrapped my arms around her.

"Hey Tamara." I said, voice constricted from the tight hug. Her bright blonde hair got in my face and I blew it away. She laughed and let go of me.

Her slender, pale face had tanned a bit since I last saw her. Her once frail figure had gained more muscle and build, and her stern green eyes had softened a bit, though she still looked terrifying when need be.

"It's good to see you, Y/N! What are you doing here?" She paused and crossed her arms, her purple dress rustling. "Did you get lost again?"

I laughed and shook my head. She threw her hands in the air. "A Christmas miracle!" She said with a laugh. I chuckled and she hesitated, lowering her hands slowly to her sides. She glanced behind me and narrowed her eyes.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush." I started. She nodded and put her hands on her hips. The woman was four years older than me yet was so mature, mostly.

"Someone showed up that wasn't meant to and I need a place to hold him." Her eyes widened. "Did you kill somebody?" She whispered. I gasped and shook my head.

"No! It's just my ex-fiancé!" I explained. She relaxed and nodded. "Alright. Come on in." She said, waving for us to follow.

I turned and faced the men. Tamara was always hesitant around men, since most treated her like swine. What she was doing for us was a true blessing.

"Come on." I said commandingly. I didn't want their egos to overflow. I didn't have to worry about that happening with Harry or Captain, thankfully.

They tugged C/N up to me when I stopped them. They gave me confused looks.

"Tamara isn't fond of your gender." I said under my breath. They hesitated before father spoke. "Is she...interested in women?"

I gave him a rueful glare. "No. She just has awful history with men. So be polite and do exactly what she says, no questions asked. What she's doing is a miracle in itself, so don't ruin it."

They nodded and followed me inside the house.

It wasn't much. Three rooms—a bedroom, bathroom, and living area combined with a kitchen—and it was dark. Only two candles filled the main room. Tamara stood in her bedroom doorway.

I shuffled the out-of-place men into the room and shut the door.

I sat C/N down on an old armchair and flipped his hood off. Tamara glared strongly at him before looking to me, the glare gone. "So why isn't he supposed to be here?"

The slums were out of the town gossip loop, so this would be tough to explain.

I cleared my throat before rolling up my sleeves. She gasped and glared daggers to C/N. "You're lucky I don't hurt you right now." She threatened. C/N paled and looked at the ground.

"This'll take a while to fully explain, so you might want to sit down." I said. She shook her head. "Just tell me flat out. Give me the story, I can handle it."

I nodded and started to say my piece of history, no lies this time.

Shy From The Spotlight - Alexander Hamilton x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant