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A/N Alright readers! This chapter is fueled by Cool-Whip, fajitas, and Arizona tea! May the essence of authors be with me.

Amanda looked at me in disbelief. I sighed in slight relief and set the dagger back onto the bed. "You turned," She paused, thinking out her words. I knew I could be calculated and strange at times, but this was new. "Cold, scary."

I swallowed and stepped away from the knife. "I-I'm sorry, Amanda. I don't know what happened. When something like this happens, it's like a new me takes over." I said carefully, quietly.

It was true. The British attack at sea, fleeing, commanding, the torture, when I ran from
C/N, and now with Thomas! I don't know how it happens! I just know exactly what to do and what to say!

She wiped some sweat off her brow. "Doesn't matter. Thank you for saving me." She said in an uneasy tone. I nodded once. "Of course."

We both looked around. "Right, we should be heading off." She said, grabbing a bag I didn't realize she laid by the door. She reached in and pulled out two tunics, two trousers, and two pairs of men's shoes. I took one of each.

I reluctantly removed the beautiful lavender dress, Amanda removing her own equally beautiful teal one. I slid my shoes off before reaching awkwardly behind my back to tighten my corset.

I undid the bow and tugged aggressively at the strings, breath temporarily leaving me. I struggled to tie the bow again, eventually succeeding before taking a deep gasp for air.

Amanda looked at me in horror. "We have to tie them that tight?!" She asked. I nodded. "Hides our bust. It's this or being tossed overboard." I explained grimly. She swallowed before complying.

After helping Amanda tie her corset, we slipped into our tunics and trousers. We tucked them in before tying our hair into a ponytail and hiding it inside our tunics.

We pulled our shoes on and stood, surveying each other.

Even in men's clothes, Amanda looked stunning. They fit her well. "Perfect." We said in unison. We giggled before pulling the bags out again, stuffing our old clothing in. I walked to the closet and grabbed two random caps and handed one to her. We put them on our heads before each grabbing a bag.

"Ready?" I asked as I slipped the dagger inside of my bag. Amanda slowly nodded. "As I'll ever be."

I tried offering her a comforting smile before turning on my heel and opening the door. I took a deep breath and stepped into town.

I heard Amanda shut and lock her door behind me. "So what now?" She asked as she stepped beside me. I pointed to the direction of the docks. "Find a ship, hide." I explained quietly. She clicked her tongue and shook her head. "We need money."

I looked around. "How?!" I asked, facing Amanda again. But she was already chatting to a middle aged man with fine clothes. I stepped closer to listen in.

"So, what's the deal with the extra soldiers? I just showed up here thirty minutes ago." Amanda said in a deep voice. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was a man. The stranger chuckled heartily.

"Well, you see young man," he took a deep breath of his smoking pipe. With every word, he blew a puff into Amanda's face. "A girl, General Schuyler's daughter they say, escaped custody and is running amuck!"

Amanda feigned a gasp. "How dreadfully awful." She said, hand twitching. What was she doing? The man nodded. "Say she's a murderer. They say she's the one to threaten the lives of the British sailors!" He whispered. I fought a laugh.

Amanda glanced at me, a bemused smile on her face. I winked at her before she faced the man again. "How crude of that woman!" She said, obviously hiding a laugh.

He nodded again, taking a breath of his pipe. Amanda motioned for me to walk behind her and into her. I shrugged and walked behind them.

I casually stepped forward, leisurely walking despite my blood pressure being sky high. What was she doing?! Getting us killed?! I bumped roughly into Amanda's back, knocking her into the man.

I gasped and stepped back. "Oh, deepest apologies! I must've not been paying attention!" I said, voice deep and foreign. Even Amanda had to do a double take.

The man growled and glared at me. "Foolish boy! Begone before I send the soldiers after you." He hissed. I tipped my head to him before walking a few meters away. I watched in curiosity.

Amanda slipped something into her pocket, nearly unseen. I gasped in surprise. She had robbed the man!

"Well, it was good speaking to you, sir. I'll be on my way." She said. They tipped hats to each other before Amanda walked to me, a wide grin on her face.

When she reached me, she showed me four shillings, a sixpence, and a whole pound! I gawked at her. "How did you manage that?" I asked as we headed for the docks. She pocketed the cash. "Another story for another time."

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